Orange County NC Website
Minutes <br /> Regular Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> August 9 , 2001 <br /> Barr states that if it is agreed to form a committee the scope of analysis is <br /> listed on the agenda . <br /> Sassaman moves to form the committee . <br /> Vickers 21 d the motion . Passed 7 to 0 <br /> Barr states that Jan Sassaman could chair the committee since he did such a <br /> good job on the previous work . Other volunteers are welcomed . <br /> Gist volunteers because the results would affect Carrboro tax rate . <br /> Vickers also volunteers . <br /> Smith volunteers but states that he is not available on Tuesdays and <br /> Thursdays . <br /> Coininittee consists of Jan Sassmnan, Jacquie Gist, Al Vickers and Renius Smith . <br /> Wilson states that the goal is to have a recommendation to the BOCC in time <br /> for them to consider it for the next budget cycle . Because it may be <br /> controversial it would be best to have it ready by January or February to give <br /> them time to review it . <br /> Vickers states that the biggest issue would be to present in a clear format that <br /> there is a funding issue and give the options . <br /> Wilson states that options were looked at . Staff will apply revenue <br /> requirements to those options . There aren' t many options based on previous <br /> work . <br /> Gist states that the least we could do is point out pros and cons from a <br /> citizen' s point of view . <br /> Visser states that getting something back to the Commissioners in January is <br /> highly desirable . This will affect municipal budgets tax rates in some way . <br /> The towns essentially get into their budgets sooner than the county ; that <br /> would be another reason to get the report to Commissioners early . The sub - <br /> committee should report back to the group by the December meeting and <br /> plan a formal action for the board by the January meeting . <br /> Gist asks when the BOCC retreat is . <br /> 2 <br />