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Minute . <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> June 14 , 2001 <br /> Gist states that the commissioners may want some type of response from this group <br /> regarding the budget . I would move that the SWAB has reviewed the manager ' s <br /> recommended budget and found it satisfactory . <br /> Smith 2nd the motion <br /> Vickers states that the revenue this year exceeds the budget by $ 250 , 00 yet you <br /> project less revenue for the coming budget year . <br /> Wilson states that there are a lot of dynamics and shuffling from year to year . We <br /> make conservative estimates . One thing done regarding fees was calculating on <br /> historical experience, the amount of tonnage of C & D tonnage . [We] know that a <br /> private company is opening a C &D transfer station, thus C &D tonnage was factored <br /> down . <br /> Motion adopted <br /> Barr gives background on the items 5 and 6 . The overall issue has to do with the <br /> financing of recycling operations . If there is no [ dedicated] financing of the <br /> recycling operations , a crisis will ensue within the near future . There was not <br /> enough surplus generated to cover these without some [ other] way of dealing with <br /> it . We should make some recommendation as to what should happen . We should <br /> look at the current situation as far as plans that have been adopted and previous <br /> recommendation of how they [recycling operations] should be financed and try to <br /> get a picture of this globally . Items 5 and 6 are here so that we can figure out what <br /> to do . <br /> Wilson states that over the summer and fall this group will be asked to comment on <br /> the approved solid waste management plan and ask the commissioners to either go <br /> forward with the existing plan, modify it, or start over . The plan is a very significant <br /> component in determining the need for alternative financing . <br /> 5 . Review of Solid Waste Facilities Master Plan. Wilson gives slide presentation of <br /> facilities plan of the Eubanks Road site . The facilities master plan includes the <br /> current MSW landfill , a transfer station, C &D landfill and management area, yard <br /> waste management, scrap tire management, white goods management, moving the <br /> existing convenience center to the south side of Eubanks Road, relocation of the <br /> scalehouse to the north side of the road, and development of an electronics and <br /> battery processing and storage area . The plan consists of structures that do not <br /> relate to the solid waste management plan, i . e . not the MRF . It does not include a <br /> MRF because we want to be sure that the Solid Waste Management Plan will go <br /> forward before spending a lot of time on design . <br /> 6 <br />