Orange County NC Website
Minutes <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> June 14 , 2001 <br /> Barr states that there is a lot of work and detail that has gone into this that we <br /> haven' t studied . <br /> Vickers asked if the tipping fee is per truck or yard . <br /> Wilson replies per ton . <br /> Gist asks if there is anything in the budget for the Carrboro Plaza recycling site . <br /> Wilson explains that there were monies previously set aside for the site . The owners <br /> of the Plaza required modification to the design, which increased the cost . In <br /> addition, the principal of the [construction] company to which the money was <br /> encumbered died and the company dissolved and so we will have to go out for bid . <br /> We are preparing new cost estimates now . <br /> There is not a particular line item for Carrboro Plaza . I [Wilson] have discussed with <br /> the manager that once the new [cost] numbers are derived, we will do a budget <br /> amendment and bring the money out of reserves to construct the site . <br /> Gist asks if this means that it will not necessarily wait another fiscal year . <br /> Wilson states that there is a possibility for construction this fall . <br /> Vickers asks where the Rogers Road water line item shows up . <br /> Wilson states that the $ 550 , 000 is in the current year budget and is already <br /> encumbered to OWASA and does not show up in next year ' s budget . The <br /> remainder , the additional funds , for instance , depends on the results of the <br /> resolution . , Depending on when the commissioners approve the budget, they will <br /> increase the expenditures by bringing the amount needed out of reserves . If it is not <br /> done until after the budget is approved, then there will be a budget amendment to <br /> bring the money out of reserves . <br /> Barr states the budget year changes at the end of June . <br /> Pollock states there is one minor change on page 1 under the 2nd bullet under <br /> recycling services and programs — it should read all plastic bottles . <br /> Barr states that since there isn' t any motion on the budget we will move on to the <br /> next item . <br /> 5 <br />