Orange County NC Website
Minutes <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> June 14 , 2001 <br /> Vickers asks when the water lines will be in . <br /> Wilson gives an update of the project . Pre - bid conference for the contractor was <br /> 6 / 12 / 01 . The deadline for bids to be in is 6 / 19 / 01 . It' s likely before construction is <br /> complete you ' re looking at October or November time frame for the mains . <br /> OWASA has sent information stating the analysis form for the property parcels , <br /> which is the spreadsheet Jan Sassaman prepared, looked . correct . The cost estimated <br /> for the mains has been revised to $ 658 , 000 . <br /> Barr states that this relates to the deadline request date of December 2002 for the <br /> lateral . Is this still a reasonable date ? <br /> Gist states that the county can do the ' tweaking" . <br /> Resolution passes unanimously . <br /> Wilson states that the changes will be made for Roger Barr ' s signature and then <br /> given to the chair of the BOCC . <br /> Gist asks that after the county approves this , that copies be sent to the list of <br /> neighborhood representatives . <br /> 4 . Fiscal 2001/02 Solid waste Department Budget . Wilson distributes the current <br /> managers recommended budget that was forwarded to the commissioners . Staff <br /> recommended a $ 2 increase for mixed solid waste and the manager increased that <br /> by $1 for a $3 increase . [ $45 per ton for MSW] From the " add " list the manager <br /> agreed to the construction and demolition education position as well as the <br /> electronics and dry cell program . Everything else is basically the same as the <br /> previous handout . <br /> Gist questions the personnel plan in the budget . <br /> Wilson states that we are the same as the rest . of the county government . <br /> Barr states that this is very good information to have . Asked if there is any action <br /> the SWAB would take on the budget . <br /> Wilson explains that you can make comments to add, modify, or to eliminate <br /> programs . You can make recommendation on the tip fees . As far as what is <br /> required, in reviewing the interlocal agreement, you are not obligated to make a <br /> statement even on fees . <br /> 4 <br />