Orange County NC Website
Minutes <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> June 14 , 2001 <br /> Sassaman states that the point is the problem is not with funding because there is a <br /> greater good that comes out of it . While it may not matter to the taxpayer what pile <br /> the money comes out of, if it comes out of the landfill coffers and is not replenished <br /> that effects the landfill operations , which we have a responsibility to oversee . We <br /> should be very careful of how we recommend that budget is spent for something <br /> other than solid waste operations . <br /> Gist states if the water [contamination] at any point in the future becomes a problem <br /> it could result in lawsuits ; therefore the [County ] attorneys felt it should come out of <br /> the landfill budget because it is a preventive legal action . <br /> Barr states that he understands the issues that have been raised , which are serious <br /> points but at the same time favors the resolution as it' s written . The co - interest at <br /> this point is completing the project in a successful way . We ' ve worked on this a <br /> long time and it' s satisfactory if not a perfect conclusion . <br /> Vickers states that the resolution is fine as it is , but would like to express concerns as <br /> an engineer . Looking at the [ geologic study] material there is no jeopardy to the <br /> Rogers Road water supply . <br /> Smith asks if the date of the laterals would be changed to the date the BOCC adopts <br /> the resolution . Also states that others will have until 12 / 31 / 01 to respond . If a <br /> person does not borrow money from the county, what is the last date that someone <br /> can request (when do I have to say I want it) . <br /> Vickers replies that it is meant to be the same date as adoption . <br /> Ketchem states that the laterals will be run, but if one is going to pay for the interior <br /> plumbing that can be done at any time . <br /> Barr states there is an issue about dates but it' s not one that can be specified because <br /> it will depend on how the project is coordinated . <br /> Sassaman states the way it reads it can be decided 20 years from now to have water <br /> and will get funding by the solid waste department . <br /> Smith states that there should be a close out date . <br /> Vickers suggests one year after the adoption of the ordinance . <br /> Barr suggests it reads " must give notification by December 31 , 2002 " . <br /> 3 <br />