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Solid Waste Advisory Board- - Regular Meeting <br /> December 12 , 2002 <br /> Government Services , Hillsborough <br /> Approved January 9 , 2003 <br /> reiterated that he thought February would be the best month to talk with the Board and <br /> receive further direction and guidance and summarize the work we have done so far and <br /> review its assumptions . We can talk about the plan and its impact and its cost . Most <br /> importantly , the consequence of doing nothing in next years solid waste budget . If we had a <br /> meeting with the Board of Commissioners and the only point we were able to make was that <br /> without some reduction in services we couldn ' t continue at the current rate without some <br /> type of additional income . <br /> The Board may proceed to show interest in one of these scenarios [implementing the plan or <br /> continuing status quo ] and proceed toward implementation or they may say we like this , " It is <br /> too complicated . What can we do to buy us time to work through the details ? " or they may <br /> say [for example] , " Gayle , cut your budget $ 800 , 000 next year because you don ' t have the <br /> money . " We do need to have a meeting with them and show them where we are financially . <br /> We haven ' t had a talk with them in some time and frankly the staff is interested in what they <br /> are thinking . <br /> Mr . Jacobs gave the dates for the scheduled work sessions . He stated that if we wanted to <br /> make budget statements that would affect next fiscal year , the Commissioner would like to <br /> make decisions as early as * possible depending on the new sales tax . Gayle stated that <br /> February 26"' would be good timing for SWAB to attend the Board of County <br /> Commissioners work session . Mr . Jacobs suggested that Gayle contact the Assistant County <br /> Manager about this date for scheduling SWAB attendance at the meeting . <br /> It was the consensus of the SWAB that they would made a presentation to the BOCC in <br /> which it would be explained in detail the purpose of the MRF , the necessity for it { if the <br /> waste reduction goals are to be met] and its capabilities , how it would be different from the <br /> [failed] one in Alamance County . Mr . Jacobs added that we need to sell the Commissioners <br /> on this . It was also suggested that the information to the Commissioners be very thorough <br /> and precise and to leave no stone unturned . <br /> Al Vickers suggested that of the issues before the board it would be difficult to know which <br /> items to cut . He suggested that a discussion of the following would be helpful ( 1 ) the current <br /> solid waste management plan , implementation, cost (2 ) minimal cost of maintaining the <br /> status quo without increasing recycling and just trying to hold where the county is , (3 ) what <br /> level of collection and processing it would take to achieve the goal in the solid waste <br /> management plan . This would show what the enhanced processing facility [MRF ] would be <br /> giving you in accomplishing the goals . <br /> 4 . Continuation of discussion of non - residential funding scenarios and customer group <br /> impacts . Joe Cook (Institute of Government) distributed a handout for the meeting which <br /> contained the following information <br /> Scenarios for December 12 , 2002 SWAB Meeting <br /> 6 <br />