SWAB minutes 111402
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Solid Waste Advisory Group
SWAB minutes 111402
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Last modified
1/14/2019 3:47:15 PM
Creation date
1/14/2019 3:31:05 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Solid Waste Advisory Board- - Regular Meeting <br /> November 14, 2002 <br /> Government Services Center - Chapel Hill <br /> Approved January 9, 2003 <br /> Jan reported that he and Al Vickers and Cal Horton, Chapel Hill Town Manager, <br /> met on Monday and a part of that discussion was that the bottom line was that our <br /> [the SWAB ] mission was from the [County] Commissioners and we didri t think if <br /> was appropriate for us to tell the Chapel Hill elected officials and manager to give <br /> that report to them <br /> before we gave it to the County Commissioners . We could discuss what they are <br /> interested in, what Chapel Hill wanted us to consider, and [how] we wanted that <br /> dialogue to take place, but our report would not go to Chapel Hill before it went to <br /> the Board of County Commissioners and he was very comfortable with that . Jan <br /> stated that the Chapel Hill Town Council wanted two things : <br /> 1 . A breakout cost of recycling vs . disposal <br /> 2 . How much of the cost will be borne by Chapel Hill residents and by jurisdiction <br /> Jan, Blair and Gayle elaborated on these issues . The report was asked to be <br /> distributed to all board members . Remus stated that he did a mailing to the <br /> Hillsborough elected officials and has not gotten a response from his mailing . Bill <br /> Rehm and Jacquie Gist stated their discussions with the elected officials of Carrboro <br /> who stated that the proposal would take approximately two additional personnel to <br /> accomplish what the SWAB Board is wishing to accomplish. <br /> Bonnie Norwood raised a related cost question on whether it would better to use the <br /> drop off points within neighborhoods instead of curbside [where the recycling <br /> trucks cannot routinely get down some of the small private roads] . A discussion <br /> followed and it was determined that the costs would be the same because the streets <br /> would still be serviced by the trucks even with people bringing their recycling to the <br /> drop off points . <br /> 3 . Continuation of funding scenarios and customer group impacts discussion . Jeff <br /> Hughes [from the Environmental Finance Center] gave a detailed synopsis of <br /> this item and distributed a copy of the scenario summaries . Scenario 11 - Fund <br /> Solid Waste Services completely , through availability fees with . no property tax <br /> increase . Customers within the corporate limits of Chapel Hill, Carrboro and <br /> Hillsborough (recycling pickup every week) with _ general solid waste and <br /> recycling services [including HHW, drop -off sites and other administrative <br /> services] , but not solid waste collection, would be assessed $65 . 35 annually for <br /> 200M4 . Customers with curbside recycling service (unincorporated areas, <br /> pickup every two weeks) and general services would be assessed $38 . 20 . <br /> Customers with multifamily recycling service with general services would be <br /> assessed $30 . 82 . Commercial and institutional customers with general services <br />
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