Orange County NC Website
Minutes --Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> April 11 , 2002 <br /> Approved May 9, 2002 <br /> assumption of the multifamily collection services that was approved at the last <br /> meeting . <br /> Resolution on Memo regarding Reserves — Tabled - Sassaman states that a resolution <br /> was also voted on at the last meeting regarding reserves . We tabled the discussion <br /> and the follow up was to work with Gayle to get something . Due to scheduling <br /> problems this item has been tabled . <br /> " Life After Carbone ' - Sassaman states that this handout is an article for funding <br /> alternatives for solid waste . You can read this at your leasure . <br /> Wilson states that Hillsborough is bidding out exclusive rights on their commercial <br /> collection . I had mentioned previously that the Solid Waste Department is <br /> considering making a bid . We are trying to generate some revenue . I think we can <br /> be competitive and make about $25 , 000 for the fund with the Commissioners <br /> approval . <br /> Norwood asks if you are awarded the contract what route would you take . <br /> Wilson states that I haven' t thought that out yet because I ' ve been mainly thinking <br /> about pounds per cubic yard and cost of service . Is there a follow-up <br /> Norwood states that people may have a problem on the way that you go . <br /> Wilson states that if we are awarded the contract we will take Old 86 to 1 .40 to New <br /> 86 to Eubanks Rd . Using this route will minimize the amount of houses passed . <br /> Smith states that the report given to TJ COG is impressive . There is one thing that <br /> strikes me . It looks like Orange, Wake, Chatham, and Durham Counties are not <br /> leaking any preparations for the future . What are we going to do 6 years from now ? <br /> It seems that Durham and Orange counties need to get together . <br /> Jacobs states that we set up a lunch with the mayor and manager of Durham and we <br /> are going to talk about water and solid waste . <br /> Smith states that is a. good start . <br /> Adjourned : 8 : 35 pm <br /> Next meeting : May 9 , 2002 <br /> Government Services Center <br /> Hillsborough <br /> 9 <br />