SWAB minutes 021402
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Solid Waste Advisory Group
SWAB minutes 021402
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Last modified
1/14/2019 3:46:48 PM
Creation date
1/14/2019 3:30:12 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Minutes - - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> February 14, 2002 <br /> Approved March 14, 2002 <br /> Wilson states that in year one there are 2 trucks that we are asking to be debt <br /> financed over a 5 -year period . In addition to buying that equipment, the cost is so <br /> high because we are looking at a mid-year implementation . <br /> Gist asks if implementation could be delayed ? <br /> Wilson states that the Commissioners are in control of this . They could decide not to <br /> do it at all . <br /> Gist asks if it is cheaper next fiscal year to stay with what you are doing? <br /> Wilson replies yes . As an enterprise fund we are not immune to the budget crises <br /> but we are somewhat shielded . If an extra $115 , 000 is spent next year to implement <br /> the program that doesn' t really effect the tax rate . <br /> Gist states that in any way the enterprise fund can be connected to the tipping fee . <br /> The lower we keep the tipping fee the lower the tax rate . For us the tipping fee is a <br /> percent of our budget . <br /> Pollock states that no matter what year we do it [implement the program] we will <br /> have to incur that lag . <br /> Vickers states that looking at it from SWAB position, we would be recommending to <br /> the County that this is a good program and they should implement it when <br /> appropriate . It is the County' s decision to implement based on economics . <br /> Gist states that the county' s decision effects all of us . <br /> Sassaman states that there is another way of looking at it . It may be better to start it <br /> sooner than later so that the cost savings come into play when the landfill is closed . <br /> Vickers states that we don' t know how long the State' s budget problem is going to <br /> persist . If more than 2 or 3 years the numbers indicate that this should be done <br /> tomorrow . <br /> Visser states that we don' t have to make a decision about this tonight. What I hear <br /> Gist say is that it is tough to handle that up front cost if it is going to have some <br /> possible upward effect on the tip fee . <br /> 3 <br />
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