SWAB minutes 041003
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Solid Waste Advisory Group
SWAB minutes 041003
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Last modified
1/14/2019 3:50:06 PM
Creation date
1/14/2019 3:22:45 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Minutes — Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> April 10, 2003 <br /> Approved May 8, 2003 <br /> Sassaman states that that allows for the issue that some tax exempts are more exempt <br /> than others are . It causes qualitative judgement for who is tax exempt and who is not . <br /> Gist states that if the County recognize them as tax exempt on the tax roll they should <br /> be exempt from the fee . <br /> Vickers states that they are not exempt from Orange Water and Sewer Authority . <br /> Sassasman states that a suggestion would be to let the Towns and jurisdictions that <br /> are closer to these entities make the recommendation to look at some form of relief at <br /> the Town level for extreme circumstances . ` <br /> Gist states that regardless of what we suggest the Commissioners are going to make <br /> the final decision . In some of the cases our role would be to pose the question . <br /> Vickers states that if you are going to do a fee you need to do all entities and not <br /> exempt tax-exempts, but deal with tax-exempts on a need basis . <br /> Smith states that it would only be $2 . 50 a month per entity . Could they not afford <br /> that? <br /> Vickers states that maybe we could make a recommendation to the Commissioners <br /> that they consider exemption for public housing in the short term at their discretion if <br /> there is a justifiable need . <br /> Gist moves that the SWAB recommend that Commissioners closely examine the issue <br /> of exempting non-profit and public housing complexes . <br /> Pollock states that the staff gets the sense what you all are trying to hammer out . In <br /> the interim we could come up with some language that makes a list that has publicly. <br /> owned housing and housing that owned by tax- exempt non-profit organizations <br /> whose purpose is to provide need-based housing, but that may not work from a legal <br /> standpoint . We will investigate it further <br /> Vickers notes you could end up exempting all tax exempt entities from the fee . <br /> Rehm states that we are cycling the same argument over and over . We should come <br /> with the recommendation that the BOCC consider the issue with neutral language to <br /> describe that . <br /> Smith states that everyone should be charged . If they generate waste they should pay <br /> for it . <br /> 6 <br />
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