Orange County NC Website
Minutes — Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> April 10, 2003 <br /> Approved May 8, 2003 <br /> Gist states that multi-family should be charged regarding the number of bedrooms . <br /> Wilson states that on the tax roll it does not list the number of bedrooms . <br /> Gist states that because we are charging the same for a small one-bedroom house as a <br /> new house in Cates Farm, therefore it should be the same for rental . It should be <br /> based on the rental unit . <br /> Pollock asks if there would be an exemption policy for vacancy ? <br /> Rehm states that there is the issue of charging them the same amount regardless of <br /> how well they generate less waste . A multi-family unit would not get the same <br /> option as a commercial property might get . <br /> Arndt states that it' s not creating economic incentives for waste reduction . <br /> Pollock states that the discussion started out on vacancy rates not ratio generation . <br /> Tonight do we just want to talk about vacancy rates ? <br /> Vickers states that regarding vacancy rates for apartments turnover creates more <br /> waste than no turnover . <br /> Arndt states that multi-family should be treated the same as single family because a <br /> vacancy rate has already been factored in . <br /> Smith moves that multi-family units should be treated the same as single family in <br /> regards to vacancy . So that there are no exemptions for vacancies . <br /> Vickers 2nd Passes, 1 --Abstain <br /> • Public Housing Exemptions ) Pollock asks if there should be any exemption for tax - <br /> exempt housing, i . e . public housing, church- owned housing, etc . <br /> Gist states that any housing that is subsidized by government or non-profit entity <br /> should be exempt . <br /> Vickers states that a fee should be charged . The original subsidy should be the entity <br /> that subsidizes the cost not the solid waste department . <br /> Gist states that doing that would cause some entities hardship and inability to <br /> continue service . <br /> 5 <br />