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Minutes — Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> April 10, 2003 <br /> Approved May 8, 2003 <br /> material . They will be able to petition for an adjustment . We can' t say that people <br /> running a business, which is renting residential space, don' t have that opportunity . <br /> Sassaman states that it depends on whether we look at things in terms of units . <br /> Rehm states we intend to state everything in terms of single family units . <br /> Vickers, Prince William County states that apartments are 75 % of a single family unit <br /> in waste volume . But we haven ' t been clear if we are going to allow apartment <br /> complexes to be subject to the same rules as businesses in terms of their ability to <br /> appeal the amount of waste they are being billed for . If we treat them as residences, <br /> then they would be charged a flat rate as a fraction of a single family residence, but <br /> they function as a business . <br /> Sassaman states an apartment is not non-residential . <br /> Rehm, but that raises the question of whether ANY rental unit should be allowed an <br /> appeal, regardless of size . <br /> Sassaman says that a tax or any other fee that is sent with the tax bill is the <br /> responsibility of the owner not the resident . <br /> Wilson states that if there were some type of residential appeal process you would <br /> want it to be fairly simple and restrictive . There are only so many businesses and <br /> sooner or later they ' ll get it right, but if you allow it to residences, you ' ll have too <br /> many appeals to handle . <br /> Arndt says this levels the playing field as the apartment rental market is local and <br /> they can each absorb or pass along the costs . <br /> Vickers moves that a single family be considered as a single family unit and not be <br /> able to appeal the rate and it should be charged based on habitability . <br /> Smith asks how habitability will be determined ? <br /> Gist states that if the County is taxing it as a residence it should be billed as a <br /> residence . <br /> Vickers rewords motion to read : that all individual residential units that are on the <br /> tax rolls will be billed uniform fee . <br /> Gist 2nd the motion . Passes unanimously . <br /> 4 <br />