SWAB minutes 041003
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Solid Waste Advisory Group
SWAB minutes 041003
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Last modified
1/14/2019 3:50:06 PM
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1/14/2019 3:22:45 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Minutes — Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> April 10, 2003 <br /> Approved May 8, 2003 <br /> Rehm agrees that there should be some guidance about the strategy . <br /> Smith states that this group should give some policy to the BOCC . We could do it <br /> easier and quicker than a larger group . The policy could be assessed according to the <br /> water bill . If the water is turned off that could prove vacancy . This board should <br /> make a recommendation of how this should be handled . <br /> Pollock states that there is one community that used a standard of an 80 % occupancy <br /> rate . . . for multi-family . It sounds like there are two questions to consider : Do we <br /> want to make a different policy for single family and multi-family ? and Do we make <br /> any recommendation at all ? <br /> Sassaman states that an option would be to make the basis on whether they are <br /> habitable structures . Could there be some exemptions for some uninhabited for two <br /> years ?) For the multi-family not only should there be a fractional per unit of that <br /> residential unit such as charging them $20 per unit instead of $30 per unit also like <br /> assuming a portion of the units are vacant . <br /> Wilson states that with the initial interim fee they would all get the same fee - not a <br /> reduced fee . Once it ' s permanent they would pay a lower rate . <br /> Prete asks would it make sense to do as in Dorchester County and assume a vacancy <br /> rate because you would be charging each one a higher per unit but fewer units would <br /> be assessed . <br /> Pollock states that it' s unsure how they made the adjustment . <br /> Vickers states that it was discussed before that multi-family would be charged based <br /> on the assumption of how much they were going to produce . They would have an <br /> appeal process if the they thought the waste was significantly different . There should <br /> be a fee for every unit that has a certificate of occupancy (CO) . If the owner can verify <br /> that a unit is unoccupied then he could be issued a credit . <br /> Arndt asks if it should be tied into the property tax collection ? For a habitable unit <br /> whether someone is living there or not the county assesses property taxes on it . <br /> Gist states that apartments are taxed as business . <br /> Pollock states that it is not a problem with the tax office because they have that all <br /> automated . <br /> Rehm states that in the third year when the other business properties that are non- <br /> residential are included, the fee is already based on the anticipated volume of <br /> 3 <br />
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