Orange County NC Website
Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> February 13 , 2003 <br /> Approved March 13, 2003 <br /> Wilson states that the residential could be done in one year and the commercial the next <br /> year . One year would be FY 04- 05 . We could not have any element of the Prince <br /> William model ready by July 1 , 2003 . <br /> Rehm asks if a one-time fee could be assessed instead of creating new tax districts ? <br /> Visser replies yes with a caveat . What you are describing is an availability fee with the <br /> availability of the system whether you use it or not . The problem is some may be able <br /> to opt out . <br /> Rehm asks how much would the ' opt- out ' impact the solid waste system if it were just <br /> for a year There is something a little peculiar and unlikely about a one -time tax . <br /> Prete states that if it is a service district tax, it will be specific to the service . When you <br /> replace that tax revenue with a fee revenue you don' t have any justification to continue <br /> that service district tax . <br /> Wilson states that is a " PR " issue rather than a legal issue . <br /> Sassaman states that the downside is that the Commissioners don t need the Towns ' <br /> approval for a tax district . <br /> Visser states that if it' s a tax district they would need the approval of the Towns to have <br /> the tax apply within the municipal boundaries . <br /> Vickers asks if a fee could be applied at all this year . <br /> Wilson states that there couldn' t be an availability fee . <br /> Visser states that because of the mechanisms that have to be put in place to make it <br /> efficient and done in a quality way it could not be done this year . We only have three <br /> or four months to prepare . It ' s more of a practical problem than a legal problem . <br /> Tipton asks how much money is needed ? <br /> Wilson replies regarding the interim, I ' m not sure because I haven' t done next year ' s <br /> budget . We have a ten-year plan based on estimates of last year' s budget which are <br /> inaccurate because of current year expenditures . I have an estimate of this year ' s year- <br /> end budget, expenditures and revenue and I have an estimated June 30 fund balance . <br /> 9 <br />