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Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> February 13 , 2003 <br /> Approved March 13, 2003 <br /> Smith states that I read the letter from the attorney . There is no " yes " or " no " . I am <br /> sold on the decision last time of the Prince William model . I think we can tweak it and <br /> make it work . I would choose option 2 . <br /> Prete asks what the attorney meant by saying the sanitary districts were obsolete ? <br /> Rehm states that when reading the letter there were two different concepts . Prince <br /> William county has something called sanitary districts and that is how they happen to <br /> allocate who paid what fee, but North Carolina has something called a sanitary district <br /> that is not the same thing . <br /> Sassaman states that the only sanitary districts in North Carolina are the health districts . <br /> The sanitary districts require election of officials, it has all the power of condemnation . <br /> It' s like another government that superimposes on the existing government . <br /> Prete states that one element that you are not talking about in this model is the sanitary <br /> districts . W hat would be important here is to enumerate the elements of the plan and <br /> submit it back to the attorney for his opinion and state what you want to do along with <br /> the components ? <br /> Sassaman states that we have a motion to keep the model as a choice and tweak it and <br /> make it work in the North Carolina statues . There needs to be a second . <br /> Norwood 2nd the motion . What happens if the landlords don' t pay the fees ? <br /> Visser states that if you implement some type of fee by ordinance, it makes the same <br /> collection remedies available for fees as for taxes so the tax collector and staff would be <br /> able to use the same tactics as used to collect uncollected ad valorem taxes . <br /> Norwood asks if there could be something established to protect the tenant? <br /> Visser states that if its a valid fee that the landlord assumes they could probably pass it <br /> along . <br /> Sassaman states that if we get start thinking of all the " ifs, ands or buts " we will not <br /> decide . It' s important for us to take a more global approach and what is best for the <br /> jurisdiction we represent and what is best for the continued operation of the solid waste <br /> enterprise . This would be a good place to introduce that Carrboro has passed a <br /> resolution receiving the report from the Orange County Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> representative and has endorsed the model . <br /> 7 <br />