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Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> February 13 , 2003 <br /> Approved March 13, 2003 <br /> What I don t have is a budget of how much more of the fund balance will be needed . If <br /> we use the 10 -year numbers it shows that the interim would be a couple of million . <br /> Hughes states that while in Chatham County the tax assessor noticed that one of the big <br /> headaches with collecting a fee is the opt- out situation, especially if it includes disposal . <br /> If you do a non-Prince William scenario the first year with availability fees that doesn' t <br /> include disposal you wouldn' t have to deal with every third or seventh individual <br /> household in the unincorporated area that would show up with private [solid waste] <br /> collection . If you pull that out, it ' s easier . The other thing is making two fee levels, <br /> incorporated v . unincorporated, is fairly straightforward . What were talking about in <br /> the unincorporated areas is having two separate fees depending what service you did . <br /> That brings you back to merging the databases . There ' s a technical database of who <br /> gets recycling service and that must be merged with the tax data base of individual <br /> households . <br /> Wilson, such as merging PIN numbers with addresses . <br /> Hughes replies that it ' s simpler to have just two levels of fees - one for incorporated and <br /> one for unincorporated . <br /> Vickers, you could have a fee without disposal included . <br /> Rehm states that as a possible third alternative, could the money be borrowed ? <br /> Wilson replies probably . <br /> Vissers states that there are several types of anticipation notes, including a revenue <br /> anticipation note, I don' t know the details but it would unprecedented in Orange <br /> County to do that . We can look into it . We ' d probably be disinclined to do it . <br /> Rehm states that in talking about Orange County in the interlocal agreement is not <br /> required using the general fund but can the County loan the money to the enterprise <br /> fund ? <br /> Hughes states that borrowing money would not be good for operating expenses . You ' d <br /> have to get Local Government Commission approval and they would frown on <br /> borrowing for operating expenses . <br /> Norwood states that maybe we should pick a number and charge it . <br /> Wilson states that if you just looking at a shortfall my estimate is less than 1/2 million <br /> dollars . If that is the case, you are going through the trouble to do a one year tax or fee, <br /> 10 <br />