SWAB minutes 010903
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Solid Waste Advisory Group
SWAB minutes 010903
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Last modified
1/14/2019 3:49:44 PM
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1/14/2019 3:21:33 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> January 9, 2003 <br /> Approved February 13, 2003 <br /> Wilson states that' s true but we have to deal with it straight up and either convince <br /> them or not . The bottom line is that the materials are going to be processed <br /> somewhere — will they be processed locally without the additional transportation <br /> cost but with capital cost and operating cost or not have a MRF and not care where <br /> it' s processed . <br /> Tipton asks why do you have approval on this ? . The real point of the discussion is <br /> to move forward on a fee structure . <br /> Sassaman states that we have been telling the Commissioners and Chapel Hill, that <br /> we are basing our assumptions on MRF and a waste transfer station because that is <br /> inherent in the plan they have approved . <br /> Vickers asks Gayle when the capital would need to be approved for that to happen . <br /> Wilson states the approval would have to happen within the next fiscal year or year <br /> and a half. <br /> Pollock states that the [MRF development] schedule was land acquisitioning in <br /> FY04-05, design in FY05 -06 . <br /> Wilson states that you will not be able to separate the MRF from the fees . <br /> Sassaman states that part of the report is putting in the cost implications associated <br /> with no MRF . <br /> Pollock states that Barry Jacobs brought up a good point at the last meeting when he <br /> asked that we show how far we can go without a MRF . Staff feels that we are as far <br /> as we can go with source-separated collection. <br /> Wilson states that without a MRF the Unity would be l id in jumpi <br /> ivers essntereste ng <br /> on the bandwagon . <br /> Visser states that it is fine to talk about a MRF, but you will need to point out the <br /> cost assumptions inherent in the scenarios, however if you are not careful about how <br /> much attention you pay to it and what tone there is, severe danger that this <br /> discussion will spin out of control . <br /> 10 <br />
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