SWAB minutes 120904
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Solid Waste Advisory Group
SWAB minutes 120904
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Last modified
1/14/2019 3:51:17 PM
Creation date
1/14/2019 3:11:45 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> December 9 , 2004 <br /> Approved January 6, 2005 <br /> Martin replies that it would be a plus . They will have to comply . It is a matter of time <br /> before a paper trail is required to track the clearing debris . <br /> Smith asks how many loads would Hillsborough, for example, need to make an <br /> efficient burn with this type of machine . <br /> Martin replies about 100 loads . <br /> Smith asks what in your opinion would it be detrimental for Hillsborough to go into <br /> this business ? <br /> Martin states that there areaa t too many good things to say about it . <br /> Norwood asks if there are OSHA issues ? How can you have such a large hole with a <br /> fire and not have something to keep people out? <br /> Martin states that when you do this at the end of the day the hole is covered . You <br /> can' t have protection around it because you are constantly loading the pit . <br /> Bowerman asks if this [burning] is to be done at the site you are clearing? <br /> Martin states that my intention in 1996 was to start a green waste recycling facility . It <br /> would be a facility in the northern part of the county where debris is brought and <br /> burned . <br /> Smith asks how far would you need to be from a house to do a burn? <br /> Martin replies 500 feet . <br /> Pollock states that Hillsborough has some regulations that does permit pit burning <br /> within the Town of Hillsborough . There is a 1000 ft limit . The question for the SWAB <br /> is do you want to move forward with any respect to this . <br /> Norwood asks that if it comes to you [Martin] wouldn' t you be competing with fees at <br /> the landfill ? <br /> Pollock states that we don' t get a lot of that type of debris because of the tipfee . <br /> Sassaman states that before we would get into any type of recommendation stage we <br /> would need to look at more detail and life cycle type costs . Whatever we do will need <br /> to be done in the context of the revised Solid Waste Management Plan . I ' ve worked <br /> with designing an incineration facility and I know that it can be done safely and <br /> 4 <br />
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