SWAB minutes 051304
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Solid Waste Advisory Group
SWAB minutes 051304
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Last modified
1/14/2019 3:51:08 PM
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1/14/2019 3:11:25 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> May 13, 2004 <br /> Approved September 9, 2004 <br /> Kabrick asks what drives Strom toward the position . <br /> Pollock states that my understanding of his position is that it is the responsibility of <br /> the business to get rid of their waste . On another level it is a way to avoid a bigger tax <br /> increase by reducing services . <br /> Wilson states that things got off track back in February when they had the <br /> opportunity to hear a detailed presentation that laid the foundation of why we were <br /> doing this . They have been operating in the dark without sufficient information . <br /> Sassaman states that you [Kabrick] should stress that with Strom. One of the things <br /> that they bumped around was that the fee structure does not allow them to adopt a <br /> pay- as -you-throw . This has nothing to do with garbage . <br /> Spire states that the perception at the meeting [Assembly of Governments] was that <br /> Chapel Hill felt because the MRF was taken out of the plan they did not have a way to <br /> expand recycling at the curb . Therefore they did want to approve the plan and the fee <br /> [just] happened to be there [as part of the discussion] . <br /> Wilson states that may be true, but they seem to not be willing to pay for the services <br /> they have now . How will they fund a new expanded recycling program? There are <br /> two separate arguments that are closely linked . <br /> Sassaman states that one of the issues that came up was about those people that <br /> would not be able to afford the fee . <br /> Wilson states that the Commissioners raised that issue also . They are modifying an <br /> existing program to help people based on the EMS ambulance appeal [procedure] . If <br /> you receive an ambulance bill that you cant afford to pay, you can go into an <br /> application process, prove your income and the County has a pool of money where <br /> they will make the payment for you . This system will be set up for fee also . <br /> Everything would be done through social services . This would take the air out of that <br /> argument . <br /> Norwood asks for clarification for collecting fees and taxes . <br /> Wilson states that with taxes you have the full range of mechanisms that local <br /> governments have in collecting . This particular fee has fewer options than the <br /> availability fee for collection. The analysis assumes if the fee goes out on the tax bill <br /> we will expect an 88 % return. If the decision is delayed and there is a separate billing <br /> the revenue collector says we will be lucky to get 70 % . There is still a lot of work to <br /> do . <br /> 4 <br />
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