Orange County NC Website
Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> March 3, 2005 <br /> Approved April 7, 2005 <br /> of each waste type calculated . This will give us a push point of where we are and the <br /> materials to go after in the waste stream . <br /> Clayton asks when the previous studies were performed ? <br /> Pollock replies in Spring/ Fall of 1995 and 2000 . <br /> Southern Park Recycling Center Wilson states that the park will be developed in two <br /> phases . The recycling center will most likely not be part of the first phase . It appears <br /> that it might be about three years before construction begins . <br /> 3 -R Fee Commercial Element Wilson states that the commercial sector only received the <br /> $27 basic fee . Places like the [University] Mall received [a fee of ] $27 for each front <br /> door . Until we expand into the commercial sector and provide more services that will <br /> stay the same . <br /> Landfill Gas Work Group — SWAB Representatives Wilson states that the County <br /> Manager is to arrange a meeting with Commissioner Halkiotis and Jacobs to develop <br /> the landfill gas work group . We are looking for one or two SWAB members to attend : <br /> Kabrick . asks what is the goal of the group ? <br /> Wilson replies that the goal is to evaluate the gas that is produced by the landfill . The <br /> first step would be to do an assessment of our facility to determine where we are on <br /> the curve with both of our units . It will be an educational process . Hopefully we will <br /> be able to have someone come in, do an assessment, give us an idea of the types <br /> projects that might be appropriate for the level of gas we are generating . <br /> Kabrick, Sassaman and Vickers agree to be part of the workgroup . <br /> Other Wilson states that on April 9 there is a compost bin sale . <br /> Recently there has been a serious enforcement action taken against a commercial <br /> hauler in the county . We are talking about revoking their license for a year and a <br /> fine in excess of a $30, 000 . With the lost of their license it will affect every <br /> contract they had in the County . <br /> We keep ongoing contracts with two engineering firms at all, times . We will be <br /> going out to bid for one firm . <br /> 5 . Other Business Sassaman4 states that at the bottom of the agenda there will now be <br /> note for future agenda topics so that we don' t drop the ball on different topics . <br /> Norwood moves to adjourn <br /> 6 <br />