SWAB minutes 030305
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Solid Waste Advisory Group
SWAB minutes 030305
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Last modified
1/14/2019 3:51:38 PM
Creation date
1/14/2019 3:04:38 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> March 3, 2005 <br /> Approved April 7, 2005 <br /> Wilson states that Chapel Hill has been fairly out front about what they are interested <br /> in and what they don ' t like . Hillsborough has been silent . Carrboro has had no major <br /> complaints, except for previously about the fee . <br /> Tipton states that in listening to the discussion you've stated what are the major <br /> outstanding issues and concerns of the stakeholders . You 've stated them but it' s <br /> important to get these in writing in the [course of] developing the plan, let' s get those <br /> things out on the table . <br /> Kabrick states that we are trying to get everyone on the same page . Maybe a ' pro ' to <br /> that . is letting each jurisdiction know its authority . <br /> Wilson states that it has been suggested that at the Assembly of Governments <br /> meeting, Rod reminds the Boards what the interlocal agreement says about that . <br /> Kabrick states that as part of an open forum and getting all the stakeholders in one <br /> place deciding the over riding goal of the stakeholders, then regurgitate their role so <br /> they understand that they need to be active participants . <br /> Wilson states that a way to do that is through the meeting I suggested or in writing <br /> ask also for a one -page paper that lays out their interest. <br /> Pollock states that it is a good structure to go to each board and other stakeholders as <br /> well, but we should also give them a little background, summary of work done and <br /> recommended timetable and what we expect from them and the date of the first <br /> meeting as what Jan has already written about the plan . <br /> There follows a long discussion of how the letter should be prepared and it is <br /> resolved that staff will prepare a draft for SWAB review and distribution . (A copy <br /> of the version of the final letter sent to Town of Chapel Hill is attached . Similar <br /> letters were sent to Town of Carrboro, Town of Hillsborough, Orange County and <br /> UNC ) <br /> Sassaman states that a letter outlining issues will be delivered to Mayors and Chair by <br /> March 11th . Ask for participation by March 25f . <br /> We are on track with the suggested timeline of the outlined process . [Sassaman reads <br /> remaining suggested timeline process . ] <br /> Kabrick asks what timetable does DENR have with Chapel Hill for them to develop <br /> their own SWMP ? <br /> 4 <br />
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