Orange County NC Website
Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> January 6, 2005 <br /> Approved March 3, 2005 <br /> Clayton asks if the gas on the old landfill is not captured will it be burned instead of <br /> vented ? <br /> Wilson states that it hasn' t been thought about . It is not producing at a rate that we <br /> feel compelled to flare . We will flare the south side once it' s closed in five years <br /> because it' s wetter . Now that the BOCC is interested in this , we will pursue it . <br /> Other None <br /> 6 . Other Business Smith notes that last year the Town of Hillsborough generated 916 <br /> tons of brush and limbs that they brought to the landfill . He further notes that some <br /> States have refunds on cans and bottles . I' m not suggesting anything, but could <br /> something be done in Orange County ? <br /> In Hillsborough people are requesting more [composted] leaves [from city streets <br /> collections] . <br /> Pollock points out that Michigan, with its ten cent deposit has over a 95 % recovery <br /> rate of cans and bottles with a deposit and that North Carolina has had numerous <br /> attempts to have a bottle bill but it has not made it through the legislative process and <br /> that Senator Jeffords from Vermont brings it up every session . <br /> Sassaman notes when the bottle bill was passed in Maine there was a very active and <br /> aggressive group lobbying for it . <br /> Clayton notes that bottle bills do take away revenue from aluminum buy-back <br /> recycling centers . <br /> Vickers moves to adjourn . Clayton 2nd . <br /> Adjourn 9 : 00pm <br /> Next meeting % February 3 , 2005 <br /> Government Services <br /> 8 <br />