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Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> January 6, 2005 <br /> Approved March 3, 2005 <br /> that . The next suggestion was to have this service by the County leasing land from <br /> the farmers . I was asked to conduct an analysis that looked at performing land <br /> clearing debris recycling on leased property . We have previously recommended that <br /> the County have a land- clearing and inert debris facility . It is feasible to do . We <br /> could make a little money . I . wasri t asked to make a recommendation, but there are <br /> some concerns about leasing property . <br /> Kabrick states that it' s unclear; I read it on the heels of the- Dec 9 minutes where eight <br /> pages are devoted to burning [land-clearing debris ] . Dave we got a commissioner <br /> really interested in land- clearing .debris ? <br /> Wilson states that the Commissioners got involved because agricultural property <br /> owners approached them and were looking forma way to make or save money . <br /> Kabrick asks typically where does land- clearing debris 'go ? <br /> Wilson states that a lot of it is hauled to adjacent counties where there are fewer <br /> regulations , some is burned, less than in the past, and some grind it and leave it on - <br /> site . <br /> Kabrick asks if there is a position for the SWAB to take . For instance we ' re opposed to <br /> mulching and hauling out of county ? Is there an Orange County arborist who worries <br /> about tree cover and : greenhouse gasses ? This [choice about burning] has broad <br /> implications about sustainability and how we develop Orange County . Trying to <br /> address land- clearing debris recycling is putting the cart before the horse in terms of it <br /> [the underlying policy] is more about how land is developed [for example,] " Does <br /> there have to be a certain amount of land in conservation and a certain amount of tree <br /> cover ? " <br /> Tipton states that it appears that most land= clearing and inert debris landfills are <br /> jprivately - owned . Are, there any owned by a municipality in the state ? <br /> Wilson. replies, yes there are - some . There are also some C &D landfills that take land. <br /> clearing and inert debris because their rates are low and they can easily get materials . <br /> Tipton - masks if the LCID landfills are regulated by the State <br /> Wilson replies that if they are over two acres they are . Under two acres they are <br /> minimally regulated . But you won ' t operate a viable enterprise in under two acres . <br /> But these are the most prevalent violators . It used to be just the hollow down the backo road . Two acres and less are under permit by rule . From our perspective these <br /> materials are easily recycled and we think we should discourage landfilling whether <br /> 3 _ <br />