SWAB minutes 110206
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Solid Waste Advisory Group
SWAB minutes 110206
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Last modified
1/14/2019 3:52:46 PM
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1/14/2019 2:59:11 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> November 2, 2006 <br /> Approved December 7, 2006 <br /> Pollock notes that Jim Frey' s study says to push 18 , 000 tons we need a 10, 000 square <br /> foot pad . <br /> Wilson states that with recyclables there would only be your employees or contractors <br /> coming in . With garbage there could be Mr . Jones Company in a pickup truck so <br /> there would be more allowance needed for safety . <br /> Sassaman suggests to Gayle to distribute a revision of the criteria and everyone make <br /> any response to me, I can redact it . Once we have it and are happy with it transmit it <br /> to the Board . <br /> 4 . Solid Waste Management Planning Process Pollock states you have a copy of the <br /> County Board' s agenda item . We' ve also discussed the transfer station and other <br /> issues . The other biggest thing that is going on is the rural solid waste study . We laid <br /> this out for Carrboro and the County board the various elements of the plan . There <br /> are two things that are in play right now . One is a series of requests for proposals as <br /> discussed at our last meeting . There is a draft contract from RRSI to do the four sets <br /> of proposals - what kind of MRFs would take our materials, who might take them <br /> there, what kind of equipment we might use and the use of brokers to determine if we <br /> could improve our prices received . The objective of getting the information is to inject <br /> it back in to the report to have real numbers to contrast with those used by the <br /> consultants . The time frame is to get it back is in mid-February . <br /> The waste collection in unincorporated areas has three elements to the rural waste <br /> study - survey of people using the convenient centers - how far they travel, how , often <br /> they go, etc . , cost from the [County] Public Works Department, people who use <br /> private services both commercial and residential . That is our platform from which to <br /> extrapolate the total system cost . Against that value of the current bundle of activities <br /> in rural solid waste we will look at the franchise option and a light version of " county <br /> does itself" option . Could we save money for people against the current system? <br /> Here' s what it looks like in a rationalized system and do the savings, both air <br /> emissions and economic , to justify going after that . <br /> We have our consultants looking at the notion of franchising . Franchising is a legal <br /> framework and there are a lot questions of what can you do inside the franchise, <br /> which will inform the whole process . This will also be folded into the report you will <br /> see . Those things are a few months out . Another component is how the drop - off sites <br /> and convenience centers might look in the future . Then we have to compile all these <br /> things to see how they make sense together, especially in light of wanting to get super <br /> centers v . replacing the existing centers at Walnut Grove and Highway 57 . <br /> We have given an update to Carrboro and the BOCC . Our intent is to bring back an <br /> integrated package to the elected boards, the SWAB and the Solid Waste Plan Work <br /> 4 <br />
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