SWAB minutes 100506
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Solid Waste Advisory Group
SWAB minutes 100506
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1/14/2019 3:52:36 PM
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1/14/2019 2:58:48 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> October 5, 2006 <br /> Approved November 2, 2006 <br /> Jim Frey' s sense of the world of MRFs is that brokers may get us a better deal because <br /> they' re handling 10, 000 tons of paper, for example, rather than the 1 , 000 we have . <br /> There was some serious questioning of the validity of the numbers in the report so <br /> getting the proposals back will put finer points on the numbers and make the analysis <br /> more rigorous and enable you all to come back and make some more finely-tuned <br /> decisions of what to send forward to the local governments and public to take a look <br /> at . <br /> Sassaman asks when the RFPs will go out . <br /> Wilson states that as soon as the final draft of the scope is complete and I meet with <br /> the purchasing director . It may be the first of November . There may be some <br /> variability of how long they are out because some may be more complicated than <br /> others . A minimum of 30 days and some are 45 to 60 days . <br /> Kabrick asks for a list of the RFPs and what they are for . <br /> Pollock states that there is one for transporting recyclables [that we control] to MRFs . <br /> At this point it' s highly likely they' ll pick up cans and bottles separated from paper . <br /> There is also an issue of how we manage what we now have source separated, do we <br /> want to make a more attractive package of tons that is a lower value due to being <br /> commingled . The tendency is to look at all the tons that we control as if they' re <br /> commingled . <br /> Clayton asks if the spots will be chosen in order to compare apples to apples . <br /> Spire states that the RFP for transportation will be released after receiving the <br /> responses for the MRF RFP . <br /> Wilson states that the first bid will be an option for a processing facility to process the <br /> materials delivered and will also have the option as a part of that will be hauling and <br /> processing . Then there is a separate RFP just for hauling . Then there is the brokerage <br /> service and the equipment for processing . <br /> Kabrick states that one concern is the broker . How would you tie up a waste broker ? <br /> He is taking his money off the top and doesn' t care what happens once he gets his <br /> money . <br /> Wilson states that we haven ' t worked with brokers and are relying on Jim Frey to give <br /> us the tricks and trades on that . <br /> Clayton states that going with a broker throws away any downstream accountability . <br /> You will not be able to track the materials . <br /> 4 <br />
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