SWAB minutes 060106
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Solid Waste Advisory Group
SWAB minutes 060106
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Last modified
1/14/2019 3:52:27 PM
Creation date
1/14/2019 2:58:20 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> June 1 , 2006 <br /> Approved August 3, 2006 <br /> Wilson states that we could do the general thing as you said to provide solid waste <br /> services and locate solid waste facilities in a manner that reduces fuel usage, <br /> emissions, etc . and let them talk about it. <br /> Clayton states that that is fairly broad . Having a single person to collect the garbage <br /> instead of five companies driving by the same house -- huge savings there . <br /> Sassaman states that what they are asking you for is what is it the county government <br /> can do . <br /> Vickers replies consider franchising waste collection to minimize the amount of <br /> collection units operating in the same area . <br /> Norwood states that she doesn' t have a problem with any of this . <br /> Sassaman states that he is looking for more action items . <br /> Vickers states that if they really wanted environmental responsibility they would <br /> develop waste management alternatives that handle the waste in the county . <br /> Norwood states that she would like to remind them that the grey area about any <br /> number of trucks can service any area so we have all that traffic instead of us <br /> controlling the [waste truck] traffic in the County . Not that we could do anything <br /> about it, but we could make them aware of it . <br /> Pollock sates that you can if you recommend all private waste hauling be done by <br /> franchising that minimize the number of vehicles that travel down any road . <br /> Sassaman states that that is the goal, what is the action. <br /> Wilson states that he would turn that into the action because if that is the goal it <br /> becomes fairly complicated and there are a number of options of how to do it . <br /> Kabrick states that the award idea should be removed . <br /> Vickers states that we direct the purchasing department to only buy duplex printers <br /> and copiers . <br /> Sassaman states that he will take out the award idea . He will add to the primary <br /> interest on part of the SWAB it is the consensus of the SWAB that along the lines to <br /> support any reasonable environmental goal the County should look to waste disposal <br /> options within the county rather than outside and then maybe some reasons for that . <br /> Then with respect to the specific objectives, the action strategies for 2 and 4 will stay <br /> 10 <br />
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