SWAB minutes 050406
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Solid Waste Advisory Group
SWAB minutes 050406
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Last modified
1/14/2019 3:52:15 PM
Creation date
1/14/2019 2:58:00 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> May 4, 2006 <br /> Approved June 1 , 2006 <br /> Vickers asks Gayle what was your reading on the need for a transfer station from the <br /> Towns . <br /> Wilson states that intellectually they all realize we are not going to have a landfill and <br /> a transfer station is a necessary alternative . While they may disagree on the specific <br /> location, they also disagree about other items such as Pay As You Throw . The issue of <br /> a transfer station will be prolonged and the landfill space we were hoping to preserve <br /> is disappearing . <br /> Vickers asks what is the absolute last date to make a decision on the transfer station ? <br /> Wilson states that it depends on if there will be a site search process within the county <br /> in which case it' s already almost too late . If the decision is go / no go for Eubanks <br /> Road, there is about six to eight months of cushion to make that decision . Practically, <br /> by the first of the year they need to know what is going to happen for us to do the <br /> permitting . <br /> Vickers asks what can the SWAB do to bring that before the local bodies of office ? <br /> Wilson states that you' ve made your recommendation and explained your rationale, <br /> other than contacting your elected officials , there isn' t much else . There are very few <br /> options for siting a transfer station, but there is not that much concern about waiting <br /> even though the option of preserving landfill space for emergency purposes is <br /> evaporating . <br /> Norwood states that I can see them putting off the decision until the last minute, <br /> trucking the garbage to Durham, and then revisiting the transfer station issue later . <br /> Sassaman states that that will not work because the Towns will have to make an <br /> investment in the infrastructure that carries the garbage to Durham . <br /> Spire states that Carrboro' s trucks are not meant to go anywhere but in the streets of <br /> Carrboro . They will not go down the road at 60 mph . Chapel Hill' s [trucks] were <br /> specified to pull the hills of Chapel Hill; they don' t have a road gear in them . Their <br /> top speed might be 52 mph . <br /> Wilson states that hopefully I will be able to do an analysis with just one jurisdiction <br /> as a model and the numbers will be so bad, that it won' t go much further . The <br /> University would also be likely not to go to north Durham with their waste . <br /> 4 <br />
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