Orange County NC Website
MOTION : Rafalow made motion for Fortmann as Vice - Chair . Seconded by <br /> Tucker . <br /> VOTE : unanimous <br /> V . Lands Legacy Action Plan 2001 - 2002 <br /> Stancil reminded CfE members that the Lands Legacy Action Plan is being <br /> prepared for 2000 - 01 with input from different advisory boards . In October , <br /> this matter was referred to the Biological Resources Committee ( BRC ) for <br /> their consideration and recommendations on natural areas and wildlife habitat <br /> to be pursued for protection in the upcoming fiscal year July 2001 -June 2002 . <br /> Kohorn gave a report on the BRC 's recommendations . She presented a <br /> memo with a list of recommended locations , noting that some projects would <br /> be a continuation of actions from the current fiscal year . The following <br /> projects were recommended by the BRC ( in no particular order ) : <br /> ( 1 ) The Seven Mile Creek area . Continue working to preserve natural heritage <br /> sites in this biologically significant area - - one of the largest undeveloped areas of the <br /> county, containing rich bottomlands , wildlife habitat, and regionally - rare plant <br /> species . Protecting this area could help in connecting protected lands between the <br /> Eno River and New Hope Creek watersheds . <br /> ( 2 ) Southern Shagbark Hickory Forest adjacent to Mason Farm Biological <br /> Reserve . Continue working with NC Botanical Garden and the TLC to preserve this <br /> natural heritage site - - an area of State significance located adjacent to an already <br /> protected area . Owners are interested in possible sale or land swap . <br /> ( 3 ) Large tracts along the Little River corridor . Work with TLC and ERA on further <br /> protection of lands along the Little River . While protection along the North Fork <br /> Little River should take precedent, in light of the new Little River Regional Park, <br /> opportunities along the South Fork should also be given consideration . <br /> ( 4) Pickards Mountain . Work with TLC and others on protection ( acquisitions or <br /> conservation easement) of 50 acres within Pickards Mountain Natural Heritage site <br /> that are surrounded by lands protected by conservation easement . <br /> ( 5 ) Lands adjacent to Eno River State Park ( ERSP ) . Cooperate with ERSP and <br /> Eno River Association on land acquisition and conservation easements to assist in <br /> improving buffer areas around the state park . <br /> DRAFT CFE 10/09/00 Minutes Page 2 of 7 <br /> L:\Carol\CFEMIN\CFE NOV2000-richrevised .doc <br />