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21 <br /> PAGE 2 Thursday, November 30, 2000 <br /> URRY additional funds were needed for have owned the affected property can Stone to provide up to $2,000 to <br /> repairs. since Jan. 1, 19780 support an. effort to document the <br /> FROM PAGE 1 The condition also states that, in Several proposed conditions are history of the * black community in <br /> years in which more money would related to noise issues and others the Bethel-Hickory Grove Church <br /> Mg water and/or sewer service. be needed for repairs, OWASA raised by residents who have Road area and to look for ways to <br /> During a public hearing Monday. `Mould contribute up to $15,000 to argued against the expans'on. provide area residents with more <br /> night, Benedict said the extension of the fund. The conditions say that American opportunities for finding jobs with <br /> OWASA lines into the area around Condition No. 14 says that, if the Stone would install baffling equip- the quarry company. <br /> the quarry would be "in conflict" expansion were approved, all quay- ment to reduce noise within two Also, OWASA would be commit- <br /> with the county's guidelines for the �g would stop no later than Dec. years of getting the permit, enclose ted to naming the envisioned reser- <br /> with the <br /> co 31, 2030. equipment such as crushing and voir after the community in which it <br /> ruraPutting money into a "no fault" Any money left at the end of min- screening towers within four years, is " located. The condition doesn't <br /> well-repair fund is No. 15 on the list mg operations in 2030 would be and move the primary crusher and spell out that name. <br /> of conditions. It's the kind of step returned to American Stone and related equipment into the pit with- Condition No. 28 relates to trucks <br /> A OWASA, according to the proposed in seven years. hauling stones away from the quar- <br /> American Stone and OWASA <br /> about taking only A are the conditions. Another condition says that, in the ry, often with no cover over their <br /> expansion were approved. One year before it expects to end new area to be mined, no blasting or loads of stones . <br /> As described by the Planning quarry operations, American Stone stone processing would occur with Those haulers are independent of <br /> Department , Orange County would be required to notify the in 500 . feet of any property line of American Stone, and company offi- <br /> would administer the fund, which count' m ��g• property owned or leased by some- coals have said they ultimately have <br /> would d available to " residents Number 17 is a carefully worded one other than . American Stone or no control over whether those . <br /> in the vicinity of the quarry to condition that relates to American OWASA. haulers cover their loads. <br /> repair or replace residential Stone's possibly responsibility for The conditions also call for Amer- The condition states that Ameri <br /> wells that fail for any reason damage. ican Stone to use the "most current, can Stone shall " encourage" all <br /> other than as the demonstrable It states that, "within two years generally accepted" blasting tech ck "operators leaving the quarry ., <br /> result of American Stone Compa- of the issuance of this permit any piques. +� _ to""he. m r dful of :lawful weight and:, <br /> ny's mining operations . " property owner within a 3 , 000- They call for specific limits on safety of load practices, including <br /> The condition also states that foot radius of the property the noise and seismic impacts the use of covers when required by <br /> "American Stone Company shall be encumbered by this . permit may from blasts . The conditions say law. " <br /> responsible for the cost of repairing request American Stone Compa- that, on. the day of a blast, Ameri- The conditions aren't set in stone . <br /> or replacing wells that fail as the ny to conduct a pre-blast survey can Stone would attempt to notify On Monday night, county commis- <br /> demonstrable result of its mining of structures on his or her prop - each resident by telephone within sinners as well as American Stone <br /> operations . Y• m <br /> ert " a 3,000-foot radius of the perime- Vice President Paxton Badha said <br /> In other words, a nearby resident The company would be respons'- ter of the quarry property, if they still have concerns about some <br /> would not be able to argue that his ble for choosing and hiring a consul- those residents asked to be noti- of the conditions. <br /> well had failed "as the demonstrable tart to do the survey. fied . Badham mentioned conditions <br /> result" of the quarry operation and And the company "shall, acting in The quarry expansion would like the one related to truckers and <br /> still be able to tap into the well. good faith, accept responsibility for . require a rerouting of Bethel-Hicko- uncovered loads, while commission- <br /> repair fund. That person would any damage alleged to have ry Grove Church Road to create a ers mentioned things like the specif- <br /> have to blame the failure of their occurred after the pre-blast survey new intersection with N. C. 54, fur- is wording of the well-repair fund <br /> well on something other than the where the pre-blast survey and ther to the east. condition. <br /> quarry operation. blasting data as determined by an Condition No . 21 calls for Amer- Input from the county Planning <br /> If the resident wanted to stick to expert indicate a probability but not 'can Stone to build a 20-foot land- Board is the next step . <br /> the argument that the quarry was to a certainty that the damage was scaped berm between the quarry After the hearing on Monday, <br /> blame for the well failure, he would caused by the activities of Amer'- pit and the relocated road . Anoth- the quarry question was handed <br /> have to take up the matter directly can Stone Company." er condition calls for the compa- . to the Planning Board, and that <br /> with American Stone, presumably There also is a lengthy, detailed ny to pay for turn lanes on N . C . board has been charged with <br /> through some method such as a condition that provides for property 540 making a recommendation to the <br /> legal challenge. owners to seek compensation for Mining activities could occur commissioners no sooner than <br /> American Stone would put "loss of fair market value" of their between 7 a.m. and 7 p .m. Monday Feb . 20 . <br /> $87,500 'nto the well-repair fund ini- property from American Stone and through Saturday (the same hours <br /> tially, and the company would add OWASA, due to the quarry opera- set in the original permit for the <br /> "up to" $20,000 each year, but only if tion. quarry) . <br /> Orange County determined the The owners would be required to Other conditions . call for Ameri- <br />