<br /> ® Bass Pro Shops has joined The Conserva- ® The Illinois-American Water Co . and
<br /> tion Fund, Chesapeake Bay Foundation Great Rivers Land Trust ( 618 / 467-2365 )
<br /> (CBF) and National Fish and Wildlife Foun- have entered into a partnership that allows
<br /> dation in a three-year partnership to raise $3 the utility to obtain a state discharge permit
<br /> million for land acquisition and restoration while saving millions of dollars on a new
<br /> work in the Chesapeake Bay watershed . Do - water treatment facility in Alton, Ill , The
<br /> nations by customers at Bass Pro Shop' s new utility will give $4 . 15 million to the trust
<br /> Donations by Outdoor World store in Arundel Mills Mall over 10 years to implement a watershed
<br /> near Baltimore, Md . , will be matched by at project that will remove at least 6, 600 tons of
<br /> Bass Pro Shop least 54o- 1 by the four partners . In the first sediment a year from a tributary of the Mis-
<br /> customers will year, the campaign will focus on conserva- sissippi River . Originally, the Illinois Envi-
<br /> be matched by at tion work along the lower Susquehanna ronmental Protection Agency planned to
<br /> the River in Pennsylvania, the Nanticoke and require the company to spend $8 million to
<br /> least 5- to - 1 b
<br /> y Pokemoke rivers in Maryland and the build lagoons, install dewatering equipment
<br /> four partners . Rappahannock River in Virginia . The Fund and landfill 3,300 tons of sludge each year
<br /> will concentrate on land acquisition and CBF from the plant . But objections to the sludge
<br /> will work on restoration in the focus areas . disposal process led the company to seek out
<br /> alternatives with the land trust, which plans
<br /> ® Environmentally-related taxes are lower to acquire up to 2, 000 acres, stabilize
<br /> in the United States than 27 other member streambanks and construct silt basins and .
<br /> countries of the Organization of Economic dry dams to reduce sediment loads in the
<br /> Cooperation and Development (www . oecd . 78,000-acre Piasa Creek watershed .
<br /> org) . Revenue from green taxes, such as
<br /> Environmentally- those imposed on fuels and ozone depleting ® GreenBiz . com sends out a free e-newslet-
<br /> related taxes are chemicals, were below 1 % of gross domestic ter every other week called GreenBuzz . Its
<br /> lower in the product in the U . S . in 1998, compared to a aim: to provide resources to help companies
<br /> 2 . 7 % average in all 28 countries . Denmark, profit from environmental leadership . The
<br /> United States Greece, the Netherlands, Norway and Portu- newsletter also prints articles from an im-
<br /> than 27 other gal all taxed pollution at more than 3 . 5 % , pressive group of news affiliates : Building
<br /> member countries while only Mexico rivaled the low U . S . rate . Operating Management (facilitiesnet . com /
<br /> bom), The Earth Times (earthtimes . org) , Earth
<br /> of the Organization ® Saving energy at the retail level: A recent Vision (earihvision . net) , edie (Environmental
<br /> of Economic Roper poll found that 88 % of Americans said Data Interactive Exchange, www. edie . net) ,
<br /> Cooperation and they' re more likely to buy energy-efficient Environmental Building News (building
<br /> appliances . Home Depot, the world' s largest green . com), Green@Work (www . greenatwork
<br /> Development . home improvement retailer, reported sales mag. com) , The Green Business Letter (green
<br /> of insulation products, energy-efficient light- bizletter. com), In Business (www . in
<br /> ing and solar-reducing window treatments business . org) , Journal of Industrial Ecology
<br /> have dramatically outpaced sales from last (mitpress .mit. edu) and the Natural Business
<br /> year . Sears, the number one retailer of EPA LOHAS Journal (lohasiournal . com) .
<br /> Energy Star appliances, also reported rising
<br /> demand for high-performance appliances ® The Conservation Fund notes with sad-
<br /> that conserve electricity and water. And ness the death of auto executive Roy Chapin,
<br /> Lowe 's has teamed up with Dominion, the who died Aug. 5 . In 1954 he created the
<br /> Richmond, Va . , energy producer, to offer American Motors Award to recognize out-
<br /> rebates on energy-efficient appliances . standing volunteer and professional work
<br /> on behalf of conservation, one of the first
<br /> Level of Environmental Concern Among New Car Buyers awards given by a corporation to an midi-
<br /> , �, , ' dual in the conservation field . After
<br /> 50.0 /° 7-77
<br /> American Motors merged with Chrysler,
<br /> a0. o °io t.. " ` _ " Gulf Oil Company sponsored the award,
<br /> 30 . 0 % to h + ,w Ai
<br /> y
<br /> yT
<br /> 2o . o°io .' . which is now sponsored by Chevron Corpo-
<br /> g s � � m f .
<br /> r : ,
<br /> 10 . 0°� r � . , ration . The award remains one of the highest
<br /> o . o /o 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 (1st honors a conservationist can receive . Chapin
<br /> ha[Q also was a bird hunter and avid fisherman .
<br /> Extremely "Over the years, his love for the Atlantic
<br /> • e • Somewhat
<br /> — — Not at all Salmon made the protection of this species
<br /> his main drive,' said KiKu Hanes, a close
<br /> Source: CNW Marketing Research, Inc. family friend and Fund board member .
<br />