Orange County NC Website
. . . . . — <br /> 2 <br /> The Po a rd reviewed the I L E IIC P program In January and asked staff to evaluate the <br /> possibilities of joining the program , Since. that time , the Torn of Chapel Hill has adopted a <br /> resol utian asking the County and Carrboro to partner in the program and jolnby develop the <br /> local emissions inventory and analysis . On November 12 , the Commission for the Environment , <br /> which has also reviewed thesCities / Counties for Climate Protoction program , adopted a <br /> resolution in support of joining ILEI . <br /> FINANCIAL IMPACT : The membership cost for ioining I LEI will be $ 1 , 57541 , 75D per year. <br /> Staff Is recommendlng that the County join eftctive July 1 , 2002 and that adequate funds be <br /> appropriated in the FY 02 - 03 budget. As a result of jbining the program , a local emissions <br /> Inventory and analysis must be performed , The Town of Chapel Hill has suggested a joint <br /> Countywide analysis and inventory , with a proposed gent application to cover costs (which are <br /> expected to be 30-50 , 0 ) _ The City of Durham obtained a $ 50 ,0000 I LEI gent and funds <br /> from the H . . State Llniversky Industrial Extension Servfce for this purpose, but those funding <br /> sources are no longer available . However, Federal funds may be available through the LDS <br /> Department of Energy Clean CIttes Program , the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality <br /> Improvement Program~ and the Mate Energy PTogram , <br /> RrECO IMENDATION ( ) : The Manager re mmend 's that the Beard agree to join ICLEI and <br /> th a ChlesJCou noes for Cl imate Prot do n Prog ram as of J u ly 1 , 2002 and that fu nd s be <br /> allocated in the upccming budget for this purpose . The Beard may wlsh to discuss the proposal <br /> from the Town of Chapel Hill for coordinating the emis4sions inventory at an upcoming Assembly <br /> ofo Gcve i n ments meeting . <br />