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09 <br /> COUNTY OF ORANGE <br /> BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br /> .Meeting Date : November 19 , 2001 <br /> Action Agenda <br /> Item No . <br /> UB,1ECT : ICLEVC ties / Ccunties for Climate P rotection Program <br /> DEPARTMENT , ERCD PUBLIC HEAFUNG : (YIN ) <br /> ATTACHMENT ( $ ) : INFORMATION CONTACT : <br /> IGLEI CCP Informational Pamphlet David Stancill 45- 5g0 <br /> • Chapel Hill Town Gouncil Rem , <br /> 1012 101 TELEPHONE NUMBERS . <br /> ■ Resolution — Commission for the Hillsborough 7r32 & 8181 <br /> Environment Chapel Hill 9684501 <br /> Durham 688 .7331 <br /> Mebane 336w227w2031 <br /> P U RPOSE . To cons ider• joining the Inte ational Council far Local Environmental InitlatIves <br /> ( ICLEI ) and the Cities and Counties for Climate Protection ( P ) program , administered b <br /> ICLEI at the University of Califomia in Berkeley , California . <br /> BAC KG ROU NDrh The goal of the CGP program is to reduce greenhou Se gas ( G H ) emissions <br /> that have been implicated ire long -term climate change and are also the result of inefficient use <br /> of fossil fuels . To qualify for the program , cities or c ountlers ( both cities acid counties may be <br /> members ) must 1 ) conduct a local emissions analysis and inventory of community erid <br /> municipal H sources ; ) adopt anemissions reduction target ; � } draft err action plan to <br /> achieve the target ; and 4 ) carry out implementation and monitoring . Tha ICLEI provides <br /> support in the farm of technical assistance , annual training wor<shops , publications , competitive <br /> grants , and access to a network of partielpeting local governments . <br /> The need for emisslons reduction is s" ng in the Triangle , which ranks among the nations 25 <br /> most ozone - polluted regions , On a related note , `triangle d Council of Governments qualified <br /> the Triangle region for the U . S . Department of Energy' s Clean Cities Program in November <br /> 2000 . a voluntary , locally based initiative to expand the use of alternative fuel vehicles _ <br /> These programs are dez igned to be oomplemerfta ry in helping protect the environment , and are <br /> also consistent girth the Board ' s proposed Air Quality goal , which includes c bject ives related . to <br /> examining emissions In the County vehicle fleet , pursuing aM promoting a Item atrve - fu el <br /> vehicles , and reducing emissions Countywide , The Board of Commissioners also has under <br /> consideration a proposed Regulated Reoyclable Materials Ordinance , which v+rt3ile prirriarily <br /> focused on the regulation of soled wastes , could also produce a secondary benefit of improved <br /> air quality through its provisions that would ban roost open turning of waste in unincorporated <br /> Orange County . <br />