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with as-fret unknown additional maintenance cost$ . If a rustic toilet facility were to � � <br /> added , this would increase the preje cost by approximately 0-25 , 0X <br /> The field canstruetien would he funded from a combination of Park Facilities funds in the <br /> Capital Investment Plan . the Soccer Superfund , and (potentially) contributions from the <br /> range County Soccer Alliance (O A) . The actual amounts from each funding source and <br /> the degree of OCA participation ) would be addressed at the next step , when the <br /> c0ristructien bid award is approved by the Board . <br /> As noted above . discussions have been held with the soccer organizations represented b <br /> OCSA (Rainbow Sc r, urftw Soccer, Triangle Futbol , Chapel Hill United Lige His ana , <br /> and Durharm - hapel Hill Stripers) regarding their finaricial participation in tha field <br /> construction and maintenan , and it is proposed, that discussions continue. Maintenarlco of <br /> the seta would be handled by the County Recreation and Parks department , with O SA <br /> Potentially providing some dogree of annual' maintenance cost share after the field i u n <br /> running. No <br /> p <br /> RECO '1MENDATIONJS ) : The Manager recommends that the Board review and n rnve <br /> the site design } authorizing staff to submit the site plan fora pp <br /> sclicating bids for construction , vri # h a goal of teinning field construction begin the process of <br /> Opening the field in late fall 2QQ ( at earliest , Breather permitting ) , n in January and <br /> A construction bid award would be presented for Boardapproval , tentatively in Dacarnber.Staff Will also continue to discuss potential OCA roles , with a report to be presented <br /> cenourrent with the bid ward In December, <br />