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2 <br /> the spirit of public input and communication , letters have been sent to property owners near <br /> the field , apprising them of the opportunity to View the presentation of the site design . <br /> Once the site plan is approved by the Planning Department , bids would be solicited for <br /> project construction . <br /> Bost.Case Scenario <br /> i, Naxt Step <br /> Re Plan a roved Pfennin LateNovernher 2002 <br /> 13Ids solicited and awarded Late- Navember- Deaember 2002 <br /> Construction January - March 200 (weather <br /> errLiittin <br /> Fuld growing Lerch - October 2003 <br /> Open for use best- Sale October 2003 ` at earliest <br /> Staff recommends that the field be planted with Bermuda grass surface , installed in a fashion <br /> similar to this Uumrnees fiend remediation at Efland- Cheaka Park . This surface would require <br /> the full summer/fall 2003 growing season (,dune- October) to become ready for play in <br /> t liar 2003 . at the earliest . It is possible that the field might not be ready for use until <br /> 2004 , if an altemative sod surface is purchased and installed instead , it could expedite the <br /> opening of the field to the summer of 2003 (brut this would increase the total cost of the <br /> prJect as shown below ) . It should be noted that , ifconstruction Is delayed beyond winter <br /> 2002 - 03 or if it extends into spring 2003 , a Bermuda - seeded field would not be ready for use <br /> until springlsurnmer 2004 . <br /> At the October iS spadi9l presentation , staff was asked to explore saverai issues. The <br /> attached memorandumaddresses these questions and ISSUas , and includes a vicinity map ,. a <br /> revised she design , and minutes froma meeting of the Orange County Soccer Alliance <br /> (OCS k) _ in summaryi the memo proaosas . <br /> That entry sans and foierior signscfe be developed <br /> That a Ord carry4n1csrnry- oatwry approach be tried for trade and recycling at the site <br /> S;�r That 'PoitmomPoty " be used at the site as opposed to h7-Stallation of rustic tollets <br /> That discussions continue between the County and OCSA on the mature and rota of their <br /> participailor7 to construction and mairtanance of the fiaidF to bo re lved by the time of bid <br /> award and construction <br /> That the "no ligrhfinga provision be enfamsd via a site plan condition of approval <br /> That the Planning Department is cfevelopfng an estimate of vehicii5 trips per day to the <br /> sitar Brad' that DOT be �aakecf to fr`rstafl 'Ch " �'ren Pia lrr� �� signs along Roc � � �l�ga Road, <br /> and <br /> Additional screaming be installed as proposed along floe northism bounder <br /> of Me site <br /> On a rotated note from the October lb� meeting, conversation rs continuing with OCSA on <br /> what rote the organization should or would play rra the Feld construction or operation 011d <br /> maintenance . Staff proposes that conversations oonfir? ue on these points wth a de5nitive <br /> statement to be developed by the tine construction bids ars considefed In December. <br /> FINANCIAL IMPACT : Once the Board approvos tho site design , and the site plan is <br /> approved by the Planning Department , construction drawings would be prepared and the <br /> project would be ready for bid . The total cost of construction for the field is estimated at $ 7 <br /> 100 , 000 . Purchasing and installing a sad surface would cost an esti - <br /> mated additional $ 20m <br />