CFE 120902
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Commission for the Environment
CFE 120902
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Last modified
1/7/2019 5:06:30 PM
Creation date
1/7/2019 5:03:16 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Planning and Funding School Capital Proieets' ' as a model to prescribe ham and <br /> County <br /> funding Mould be pro + ided . The draft also proposes changes to the degree of y <br /> involvement and participation in the different components of pTaject approval . All proposed <br /> changes to the Town proposal are shown in bold in the attached draft (Attachment 4 ) . <br /> Following consideration of the Conceptual Plan by the Board of ComrnisslonerS5 and the <br /> resolution of the process , the Town plans to develop a Special Usa Permit application for the <br /> park . This process is anticipated to take approximately one year to complete , and will <br /> include additional public comment (as woll as two oppvrtunites for the Counter to provide <br /> comment ) , resulting in eventual approval by the Town Council , Following the Special Use, <br /> Permit , construction plans for the park would be prepared and , after County and To vn <br /> approval of tha project budget and provision of funds , park construction would begin . <br /> FINANCIAL IMPACT , The provisional cost estimate for the park , as calculated in the <br /> GDncoptusl Plan , is $ 3 . 76 million . Revisions based on changes made by the Town Council <br /> have not been incorporated into this eatlmate , A total of 2 , 795 , 000 would be available <br /> the combination of 1997 and 2001 County bond funds for this project . To date , 206 , 0 <br /> from the 1997 bond amount has already been appropriated ( 10 : 000 towards the <br /> construction of the soccer field at adjoining Scroggs Elementary , and $ 100 , 000 for the <br /> concept plan and associated costs ) . There are no Town funds identified for this project . <br /> The 2 million in 2901 bond funds are scheduled in the Bond and Alternative Financing <br /> schedule that the Board approved in October . The planned issues provide for two equal 1 . 0 <br /> million installmont :5 for Suuthem Parr , in FY 2004 = 05 and 2995 - 06 . This schedule is <br /> consistent vwith thie requested 11ming from the Town , submitted in the spring of 2002 . The <br /> Town has not yet addressed funding the 1 million in additional funds identified in the <br /> Conceptual Flan a tirr� , ted budget . It ro mfined G0st estimates will be developed as the <br /> park construction drawings are prepared . As such , plans for phasing of the park construction <br /> may be n e ssa ry . <br /> As noted above , financial issues in the Towns ,July 4�' proposed cuthem dark process <br /> have been addressed in the daft staff response as it regards an interAoc,al ogreement and <br /> the timing of bond funds . <br /> RECOIL MENDATION (S ) : The manager recommends that the Board address the Items <br /> related to Southern Park as follows. <br /> 1 ) Discuss the Town ' s response to issues raised regarding the Conceptual Plan <br /> (Attachments 1 and 2 ) , and determine whether any additional questions or requasta for <br /> additional information exist ; <br /> Schedule the Conceptual Flan a :s a decision item for approval on November 19h or <br /> December ' ; <br /> 3 ) Discuss staff s draft response on the Southern Park Process ( Attachment 4 ) , and provide <br /> feedback to Commissioners Jacobi and Brown regarding the official response to the <br /> Town repre se ntative B . <br />
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