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p 07 <br /> Saunders said that one reason leading the charge from technical standpoint <br /> for a unification of MPOS is that we now have one regional model . In the <br /> 1980s each MPO had a separate model . Now we have one model that <br /> incorporates both MPOs . We have approximately 1 , 000 analysis groups that <br /> are called Transportation Analysis Zones (TAZ ) in our urbanized area . In <br /> CAMPO they have about 2000 TAZs . All the pieces are necessary to create a <br /> realistic picture of what the public is doing . Certainly people aren 't stopping <br /> at the county line and not going to Raleigh . The regional model was <br /> encouraged to get the big picture . Saunders pointed out the diagram of <br /> forecasting model steps in the handout materials . <br /> Smith asked for information about the interface between the model and air <br /> quality process and Mobile 5 . Saunders explained that certain pieces of <br /> information come out of the model and go into Mobile 5 , too identify the best <br /> alternatives thatreach - the desired ` goals ., Performance standards , suc 41 as <br /> VMTs , Occupancy, and Air Quality are looked at to determine the best <br /> alternatives . Then focus is upon the alternatives that we want to take <br /> forward and do air quality testing . <br /> Bonk added that vehicle miles traveled (VMT) is a gross number , not broken <br /> into speed groups , because as the criteria that one alternative might have <br /> 100 , 000 another might have 75 , 000 , because the alternative with less VMTs <br /> should be better for air quality issues . Saunders continued with we have a <br /> two - step process of going through alternatives . The first step is looking at <br /> performance indicators and picking out the best alternatives that have the <br /> best indicators . Step two is when we do more analysis and environmental <br /> impacts , cost impacts , social impacts , to narrow it down to the best <br /> alternative by using the air quality factors . By using both citizen advisory <br /> groups , the policy board and technical board , we come up with numerical <br /> targets for different indicators . We 've identified goals and now we are trying <br /> to link those goals to performance indicators and come up with what is the <br /> acceptable level of indication . One idea is to go ahead and run the <br /> alternatives and see which one has the highest results . Another idea is to go <br /> ahead and establish those goals before the model is run . <br /> Saunders referred to a chart in the handout, which summarizes the Long - <br /> Range Plan and how the other steps are centered around the plan . <br /> Stancil asked about recent media reports on the " Mayors ' Initiative " and the <br /> issue of "Town / Rail " . Bonk reported that the mayors of Chapel Hill , Durham , <br /> Cary and Raleigh want a new plan that will enable local governments in this <br /> DRAFT CFE 10/09/00 Minutes Page 6 of 10 <br /> L :\Carol\CFEMIN\OCT2000CFErevised by rich. doc <br />