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ORANGE COUNTY COMMISSION FOR THE ENVIRONMENT <br /> DRAFT Summary of Meeting October 9 , 2000 <br /> Held at Orange County Southern Human Services Center, <br /> Chapel Hill , NC <br /> Members Present : Roy Fortmann , Dan Okun , Laura Cotterman , Cara Crisler, Julie <br /> Tucker, Annette Jurgelski , Mark Smith , Lee Rafalow, Loraine Kohorn , Hervey McIver . <br /> Excused Absences : Richard Pratt, William Glaze . <br /> Guests : Tim Saunders , DCC MPO ; David Bonk, Chapel Hill Transportation Planner <br /> Staff Present : David Stancil , ERCD Director ; Rich Shaw, ERCD Land Conservation <br /> Manager; Karen Lincoln , Transportation Planner and Carol Crawford , ERCD <br /> Administrative Assistant , <br /> I . Call to Order . <br /> Fortmann called the meeting to order at 7 : 40 p . m . <br /> II . Additions or Changes to Agenda . <br /> III . Approval of Minutes ( September 11 , 2000 ) . <br /> MOTION : Crisler made motion to approve the September 11 , 2000 minutes . <br /> Seconded by Kohorn . <br /> VOTE : Unanimous . <br /> IV. Regional Transportation Planning <br /> The CfE heard a presentation by Tim Saunders from the Durham - Chapel Hill - <br /> Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization ( DCHC MPO ) , regarding the <br /> process for transportation planning and interaction among other entities that <br /> do regional transportation planning . Also present was David Bonk, Town of <br /> Chapel Hill Transportation Planner, who spoke about the Town 's <br /> transportation plan and to answer the CfE member's questions about the <br /> Mayor's initiative and also the Town 's position on transit in the Chapel Hill <br /> community . <br /> Saunders explained that he has been involved in transportation planning for <br /> 15 years , first working with Greensboro on their plan , and later coming to the <br /> DRAFT CFE 10/09/00 Minutes Page 1 of 10 <br /> L :\Carol\CFEMIMOCT2000CFErevised by rich. doc <br />