CFE 111300
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Commission for the Environment
CFE 111300
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1/7/2019 5:02:35 PM
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1/7/2019 5:00:54 PM
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region to make the case to the public and General Assembly that current <br /> funding from state and federal sources is inadequate to meet future <br /> transportation needs . They want authority to generate tax funds for <br /> transportation projects in a similar way that Charlotte has done over the last <br /> year . The plan will take information from the existing Durham , Raleigh , <br /> Chapel Hill plans and package them together for the first time . It will identify <br /> regional facilities that are high - cost items and present them to the General <br /> Assembly in 2001 . A consultant was hired and a draft plan will be unveiled <br /> sometime in November . <br /> Saunders noted that Charlotte went through similar process that resulted in <br /> getting legislation enabling them to have referendum that passes 1/2 cent, <br /> which generates approximately a million dollars per year, enough to pay for <br /> development of their public bus and rail system . Bonk added that the <br /> Mayors ' report would include a menu of possible funding sources , what <br /> raising the gas tax by "x " would generate based on current sales and so forth <br /> to give people some options to look at . Saunders noted that it would take 20 <br /> or more years of funding to complete all the projects in the TIP . <br /> The second recent media item was described by Bonk as a Phase II study of <br /> the 15 - 501 corridor between Chapel Hill and Durham . Phase I was a " major <br /> investment study " and part of a federally mandated process . Phase I looked <br /> at both highway and rail transit options , but developed recommendations <br /> only for the highway issues , both for the Durham side and the Chapel Hill <br /> side . The report left unanswered some specific Issues related to transit — the <br /> transit fixed guideway corridor between Durham and Chapel Hill , In Phase II <br /> a consultant will look at different options and technologies for both a regional <br /> rail ( which is what the Triangle Transit is developing between Raleigh and <br /> Durham for Phase I of their system ) and a lighter rail technology (which is <br /> more flexible because it can operate on streets ) . <br /> A third technology is a bus - way, building a lane for buses either adjacent to <br /> the road or in separate corridor . The last alternative is a hybrid called bus - <br /> rapid transit, which provides a separate guide - way for buses in some areas . <br /> In areas where there are ROW or other problems, the buses would operate in <br /> street traffic . <br /> The consultant is looking at those four technologies and evaluating possible <br /> corridors for each that might someday link Duke University to UNC . In <br /> general , the corridor that is being looked at goes from Duke to South Square , <br /> parallels 15 - 501 on the south side through Patterson Place , cross I - 40 south <br /> of 15 - 501 to the Gateway property, then south parallel with I - 40 through <br /> DRAFT CFE 10/09/00 Minutes Page 7 of 10 <br /> L:\Carol\CFEMIN\OCT2000CFErevised by rich. doc <br />
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