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merican Forests . www . amencanforests . org http ://www , amencanforests . org/news/print.php9id.= 19 <br /> 7 <br /> 4A Trees (or green infrastructure) help shade and cool residential homes during hot summer <br /> months , thereby reducing the amount_ of electricity needed to run air conditioners . <br /> AMERICAN FORESTS ' REA finds trees provide an estimated $ 1 . 86 million in annual <br /> energy savings for communities in the area . Reducing energy use also reduces the amount <br /> of carbon emissions by utility companies . Direct tree shading prevents approximately <br /> 140 , 000 tons of . carbon from being emitted into the atmosphere annually . <br /> One of the most interesting findings of the report is that the Portland region is , for the most <br /> part , either densely forested (21 % ) or open/agriculture land (75 % ) . There are few areas with <br /> moderate tree cover (4 % ) . Areas with heavy tree cover declined by 56 % , whereas areas with <br /> light tree canopy grew by 51 % during the study period . <br /> Losing tree cover reduces environmental quality and the overall health of a community . If <br /> the tree canopy of 1972 had been retained , an estimated 58 million tons of carbon would not <br /> have entered the atmosphere . The lost tree cover increased stormwater runoff that costs an <br /> estimated $ 2 . 4 billion to manage and would have removed 138 million pounds of pollutants <br /> annually , valued at $ 322 million per year . ' <br /> AMERICAN FORESTS recommends that most regions maintain a 40 % average tree cover . <br /> If the Portland region met that recommendation , trees would provide about $ 1 . 03 billion <br /> worth in pollution removal and 146 million tons of carbon would be stored a year . <br /> Lastly , the Regional Ecosystem Analysis recommends specific actions that local decision <br /> makers can take to increase the tree canopy of the Willamette/Lower Columbia Region . <br /> They include : utilizing CITYgreen and other tools in this study to incorporate a " green <br /> layer" in land development decision -making ; encouraging the use of increased tree cover as <br /> one strategy for meeting air pollution and stormwater management needs ; and continuing to <br /> work towards increasing and conserving tree canopy in metropolitan areas . <br /> Development is causing many of our cities to become cities of sidewalks , roads , and <br /> buildings ( gray infrastructure ) by removing trees ( green infrastructure) . This tree - loss trend <br /> has adverse environmental and financial effects and degrades the overall health and quality <br /> of urban , suburban , and rural environments . By conducting Regional Ecosystem Analyses <br /> in cities across the United States , AMERICAN FORESTS estimates 634 million trees are <br /> needed to bring America ' s urban areas up to 40 % average tree canopy . In recent weeks the <br /> organization unveiled a new national campaign called " Gray to Green : Reversing the <br /> National Urban Tree Deficit" that encourages people everywhere to plant trees to help <br /> improve the quality of our cities . AMERICAN FORESTS has the ability to conduct a <br /> Regional Ecosystem Analysis for any city or region in the continental United States . <br /> SEE ALSO : <br /> Portland REA <br /> Urban forests ' value measured b , study <br /> tudy <br /> Urban Trees Save City Millions By Handling Stormwater, Pollution <br /> Founded in 1875 , American Forests is the oldest national nonprofit citizen conservation organization . <br /> American Forests is a world leader in planting trees for environmental restoration , a pioneer in the science and <br /> practice of urban forestry , and a primary communicator of the benefits of trees and forests . American Forests <br /> is on the World Wide Web at www . americanforests . org . <br /> of 2 11 / 1 /2001 11 : 08 AM <br />