CFE 110998
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Commission for the Environment
CFE 110998
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Last modified
1/7/2019 4:41:13 PM
Creation date
1/7/2019 4:40:25 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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3 <br /> • The Water Resources Committee would like a liaison who possesses the ability to understand <br /> models , use of mapping overlays , and how they can be utilized . <br /> Daniel Okun asked about the charge of the committee and if it extends to surface water issues , or <br /> is just concentrated on groundwater . Don Cox responded that the scope of the committee has <br /> been limited given the existence of prior studies that have been devoted to examining surface <br /> water supplies in the county . Additionally , Cox mentioned that the focus on groundwater is also <br /> valuable for surface water suppliers as they devise their polices for meeting the county ' s water <br /> needs . <br /> William Glaze inquired if Mr . Cox could provide a recommendation on the qualities needed in a <br /> liaison , to which Don Cox provided the following traits : <br /> • An individual with significant time to devote to the Water Resources Committee , for <br /> approximately the next four to five years ; <br /> • Someone who possesses an interest in the interaction between surface and ground water, and <br /> between ecology and biology ; <br /> Mr . Glaze then asked for a clarification on whether the liaison would need to have significant <br /> technical knowledge in his/her position . Don Cox indicated that the modeling is straight forward <br /> and comprehensible , and that technical support can be provided by planning experts . <br /> Chair Loraine Kohorn then asked Don Cox about activities of the WRC during phase II of their <br /> study . Mr . Cox described the work of the Water Resources Committee as focusing on :. <br /> 1 . Determining and mapping the location of current and new wells in the county ; <br /> 2 . Gathering spatial , data on groundwater contamination sites in the county ; such as landfills , <br /> lagoons , etc . ; <br /> 3 . determining sensitivity of certain areas from possible dispersal of groundwater contaminants ; <br /> David Stancil , added that as an outgrowth of the WRC ' s work in phase II , participants will be <br /> trained in wellhead protection and the committee ' s analysis will ultimately be utilized in <br /> conjunction with prior surface water studies to establish a picture of water resources in the <br /> county . <br /> Daniel Okun outlined the role that he felt the Commission could play in furthering the work of <br /> the Water Resources Committee . First, he felt that the Commission should advocate that <br /> development be discouraged in the areas where groundwater is not adequate . According to Okun <br /> this may necessitate regulation that requires developers to show that that local water supplies <br /> meet the water needs generated by their development . He cited septic suitability requirements as <br /> a current example of such a regulation . Second , Okun stated that the Commission could promote <br /> the establishment or water reclamation policies . Mr . Okun , stated that : <br /> • in urban areas surface water is a primary source of water ; <br /> • surface water supply and quality can be a problem in urban areas , although in NC this is not <br /> presently the case ; <br /> • b <br />
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