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ORANGE COUNTY . <br /> COMMISSION FOR THE ENVIRONMENT <br /> Draft Meeting Summary <br /> Sept 12, 2005 <br /> Government Services Center, Hillsborough , NC <br /> Members Present : Mark Smith ( Chair ) , Barry Jacobs , Michelle Kempinski , Shirley <br /> Lally , Marge Limbert , and Kenneth Meardon <br /> Excused Absences : Annette Jurgelski , Hervey McIver , Richard Pratt , Johnny Randall , <br /> Mark Ginsberg , Charles Daniel , Heather MacDonald , and Chris Wachholz <br /> Guests Present : Alice Gordon <br /> Staff Present : David Stancil , Environment & Resource Conservation Directors Rich <br /> Shaw , Land Conservation Manager ; Carol Melton , ERCD staff ; Karen Lincoln , <br /> Transportation Planner <br /> I . Call to Order <br /> Smith called the meeting to order at 7 : 45 p . m . In absence of a quorum the meeting <br /> proceeded without any formal actions taken . <br /> II . Additions or Changes to Agenda <br /> III . Approval of Minutes from August 8 , 2005 <br /> Consideration of the August meeting summary was deferred until the October meeting . <br /> IV . Piedmont Wildlife Center follow - up <br /> In August, the CfE heard a presentation by Dr. Bobby Schopler, Piedmont Wildlife <br /> Center director. Schopler provided an overview of the Center 's mission and facilities, <br /> and asked the CfE to consider supporting the Center 's relocation to a more suitable <br /> property in Orange County . Sch <br /> opler answered many questions from CfE members . Staff was asked to consult with <br /> the County Manager and prepare draft letter of support for further consideration . <br /> Shaw reviewed Bobby Schopler 's request that Orange County work with him to explore <br /> relocating the Piedmont Wildlife Center to a more suitable location in Orange County , <br /> and possibly on a site owned by Orange County . The Center would like a larger wildlife <br /> treatment building ( hospital ) and a separate visitor/ educational center ( and interpretive <br /> nature trail ) located in conjunction with pre - release and release areas. for rehabilitated <br /> wildlife . Potential locations that were discussed include the Seven Mile Creek Preserve <br /> McGowan Creek Preserve , Eno River State Park , and the OWASA Mitigation Tract . <br /> Shaw presented a draft memorandum for discussion . Members read through the draft <br /> and offered comments for making further refinements . The following issues were <br /> discussed <br /> ■ The services provided by the Center are beneficial to Orange County wildlife ; the <br /> educational component would help toward preserving wildlife habitat . <br /> Draft September 12 , 2005 Page 1 of 3 <br />