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suggested that the CfE read the biological and land use section of the <br /> SOCF report . CfE members requested copies be sent via email . <br /> IX . Agenda Items for Next Meeting ( 10 / 9 ) <br /> Stancil reported that October meeting speakers include David Bonk from <br /> Town of Chapel Hill , someone from Durham - Chapel Hill - Carrboro Metropolitan <br /> Planning Organization , items for the Lands Legacy Annual Action Plan 2001 - <br /> 02 , review of the SOCF report, and ideas for the 2001 State of the <br /> Environment report . <br /> The CfE discussed the State of the Environment report and a similar report in <br /> Mecklenburg County that is produced every two years . The Commission <br /> agreed to change the timeframe to a bi - annual report and an alternating year <br /> progress report on recommendations and accomplishments to present to <br /> BOCC this year . The idea of two audiences , the BOCC and the public , was <br /> discussed as important . Working with the press to educate the public was <br /> also identified as important , such as the upcoming Timber Harvesting <br /> meeting . <br /> X . Proposed Intergovernmental Parks Work Group ( IP Work Group ) <br /> Stancil gave an overview of the Intergovernmental Parks Work Group <br /> membership . The group will consist of 17 members including one member <br /> from the CfE . Advisory board and elected representatives from each <br /> jurisdiction will be appointed by the elected board of that jurisdiction . <br /> Meetings will be held three times per year for a period of three years from <br /> July 2000 through June 2003 . There will be yearly reports with a final report <br /> due in June 2003 . After three years , the participating parties may make the <br /> work group a permanent group . <br /> The charge of the IP Work Group is to build on the momentum of the Joint <br /> Master Recreation and Parks Work Group process by accomplishing the <br /> following . <br /> 1 . To gather, exchange and share information on parks planning and <br /> development in the municipalities and County . <br /> 2 . To maintain and update the Inventory of Parks and Recreation <br /> Facilities developed as part of the Joint Master Recreation and Parks <br /> report , including new properties acquired or dedicated . <br /> 3 . To foster communication between the municipalities and County on <br /> future opportunities and collaborative ventures . <br /> DRAFT CFE 9 / 11 /00 Minutes Page 7 of 8 <br /> L :\Caro1\CFEM1N\91 100cfeFTNAL . doc <br />