CFE 091001
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Commission for the Environment
CFE 091001
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Last modified
1/7/2019 4:25:01 PM
Creation date
1/7/2019 4:24:02 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Fortmann noted that this is to be a " progress report " and the following year 's SOE will be a <br /> full report . The members present agreed that this year 's report would be a short and <br /> concise progress report and next year 's SOE 2002 could include environmental indicators <br /> and trends . <br /> V. Natural Areas Element <br /> Shaw updated the Commission on progress made to date in developing a new Natural Areas <br /> Element of the Orange County Comprehensive Plan . The packet included a sample of <br /> information that has been generated to date . Shaw reviewed that information , noting that <br /> the Biological Resources Committee contributed heavily to effort thus far — especially the <br /> draft county goals for protecting natural areas and wildlife habitat . <br /> Shaw noted that the new Natural Areas Element ( NAE ) will include information that <br /> currently exists as part of the County "s Land Use Element . The document will describe the <br /> state of county ' s natural areas and wildlife habitat , and efforts to protect those areas . The <br /> document will also include county policies for the protection of natural areas and open space <br /> and strategies to implement those policies . <br /> Shaw reported that the current time line calls for a draft of the NAE to be completed in early <br /> 2002 , with a presentation to the BOCC in Spring 2002 and BOCC adoption in Fall 2002 . <br /> Shaw recommends amending the timetable , however , so that the results of an update to <br /> the County ' s natural areas inventory can be incorporated prior to taking the draft Natural <br /> Areas Element to public hearing . The inventory won 't be completed until June 2002 . Shaw <br /> recommends presenting the draft NAE to the BOCC in Summer 2002 . <br /> Tucker asked who would be solicited for feedback . Shaw said that in addition to the CFE , a <br /> draft would be presented to the Planning Board and Agricultural Preservation Board for their <br /> input . Tucker suggested that the staff solicit informal feedback on the draft goals and <br /> policies prior to having the document go out to formal public hearing . She suggested <br /> running it by the Sierra Club and members of the development community , such as the <br /> homebuilders association . Smith and Rafalow suggested that farmers and other large <br /> landowners also be included . Also , the Triangle Land Conservancy and Eno River <br /> Association . <br /> In closing , Shaw thanked CFE members for their initial feedback and noted that a more <br /> complete draft would be presented to them at a future meeting . <br /> VI . Cost of Community Services Study ( COCS ) <br /> This item was deferred until the next meeting . <br /> VII . Updates <br /> The Lands Legacy Action Plan 2002 - 03 and Cooperative Forestry Project were also deferred <br /> to the September meeting . <br /> CFE 8 / 13 /01 DRAFT Page 2 of 3 <br />
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