Orange County NC Website
Dave � Stancil - H1213- a ste closer for increasing the use of alternative fuels in NC Page 1 <br /> From : "Anne Tazewell " < annet@tjcog . org > <br /> To : "Al Ebron " < aebron@wvu . edu > , "Alan Klimek" <Alan . Klimek@ncmail . net > , "Alex Hobbs " <br /> < hobbsao@aol . com > , "Alex Robinson " < belmont@vnet . net> , "Amanda Arnold " < aarnold@ridetta . org > , <br /> "Andrew Almodovar" < almodovar . and rew@epa . gov> , "Ann Watson " < noemissions4us@aol . com > , " Be J . <br /> Tipton " < btipton@fac . unc . edu > , " Ben Winstead " < ben3@wpc . net> , " Bill Strom " < billstrom@nc . rr . com > , <br /> " Bill Terry" < bterry a@town . ci . chapel - hill . nc . us > , " Billie Cox" < bcox@ridetta . org > , " Bob Bradford " <br /> < bob@igonc . com > , " Bob Ireland " < reirelan@gwm ail . wake . tec . nc . us > , " Bob McGuffey" <br /> < bob_mcguffey@ncsu . edu > , " Bob Zickefoose" < bzickefo@advanced energy . org > , " Brent Hall " <br /> < bhall@arcadis . us . com > , " Brian Busby" < bbuzby@ncconnet . org > , " Burl Williamson " <br /> < greenhse@intrstar . net > , " Cathy Reeve" < cathy_reeve@ncsu . edu > , " Charlene Hayes " <br /> < charlene_hayes@ncsu . edu > , " Charlie Johnson " <johnsonca@raleigh - nc . org > , " Charlotte Clark" <br /> < cclark@duke . edu > , " Claire Kane" < claire_kane@ncsu . edu > , " Cynthia Courter" <br /> < ncsea@mindspring . com > , " Cynthia Pollock Shea ( Sustainability Office ) " < cpshea@fac . unc . edu > , " Derek <br /> Newby" < Darek . Newby@mail . house . gov> , " Dave Stancil " < DSTANCIL@co . orange . nc . us > , " David Bryant" <br /> < david . bryant@duke . edu > , " David Dunagan " < david . dunagan@ee . doe . gov > , " David Hyder" <br /> < hyder@dot . state . nc . us > , " David Knight" < dwknight@mindspring . com > , " Dawn Peter" <br /> < DawnP@ma il . ci . asheville . nc . us > , " Dennis Hairston " < dwhairst@duke - energy . com > , " Derek Graham " <br /> < dgrahm@dpi . state . nc . us > , " Dona Stankus " < dsarchitect@mindspring . com > , " Doris Pincombe" <br /> < EFC@aol . com > , " Doug White " < dwhite@dpi estate . nc . us > , " Earl Denning " <br /> < erdennin@gwmail . wake . tec . nc . us > , " Ed Thorpe " < ed . thorpe@co . wilmington . nc . us > , " Elizabeth Ourts " <br /> < ncpirg@pirg . org > , " Ellen Reckhow" < ereckhow@aol . com > , " Eric Motzno " < emotzno@dot . state . nc . us > , <br /> " Eric Ryan " < earyan@worldnet . att . net > , " Eugene Mesley" < eugene . mesley@ncmail . net > , " Father Patrick <br /> Tuttle " <friarpriest@earthl ink . net> , " Frank Eagles " <frank . eagles @ncm all . net> , " Frank Parro" <br /> <flohonda@bellsouth . net> , " Gaither Anderson " < andersga@dpsnc . net> , " Gary Butler" <br /> < ralphgoodwin@cplc . com > , " Gayle Franks " < gayle_franks@ncsu . edu > , " George Kalet" <br /> < george . kalet@chart- ind . com > , " Graham Butler" < graham . butler@duke . edu > , " Heath D . Cash " <br /> < hcash@doc . state . nc . us > , " J . R . Cottrell " <jottrell@scana . com > , "James MacFarquhar" <br /> <jamesm@facilities . unc . edu > , "Janice Faries " <fariesj@rjrt . com > , " Jason Wager" <br /> <jwager@centralina . org > , " Jayne Howard " < Noemissions4us@aol . com > , "Jayne Simpkins " <br /> <jayne@ncpga . org > , "Jeff Crouchley" < crouch ley@dot . state . nc . us > , "Jeff Merritt" <br /> <jmerritt@the- chamber . org > , "Jennifer Burchart" <jburchar@ford . com > , "Jerry Whitfield " <br /> <jbwhitfi@duke- energy . com > , "Jesse O ' Neal " <jesoneal@bellsouth . net> , " Jill Lewis " <jill@efnc . org > , "Jim <br /> Hobbins " <jhobbin1 @email . usps . gov > , "Joe Jackson " <joe .jackson@duke . edu > , "John C . Brantley" <br /> <john . brantley@rdu . com > , " John Chapman " < mchapman@ospadmin . orp . state . nc . us > , "John Hasslin " <br /> <jkh123@aol . com > , "John M . Burns , Jr . " <jburns@dot . state . nc . us > , "Jon Mauney" <jon@mauney . com > , <br /> " Jonathan Thomas Neal " <jtneal@unity . ncsu . edu > , "Joseph Barger" < orioncng@aol . com > , "Joyce Brown " <br /> <joycebrown@mindspring . com > , " Keith Ciampa " < keithc@worldenergy . net > , " Ken Dulaney" <br /> <teaaprez@yahoo . com > , " Kenneth Betancourt" < kmbetanc@gwmail . wake . tec . nc . us > , " Kirk Shore" <br /> < kshore@vol . com > , " Larry Hopkins " < larry@hopkinsoil . com > , " Michael Shore " <br /> < mshore@environmentaldefense . org > , " Mike Hailperin " < hallperin@raleigh - nc . org > , " Miriam Gilkinson " <br /> < miriam . gilkinson@rdu . com > , " Nann Guthrie" < nann . guthrie@ncmail . net > , " Nicholas A . Bisogno " <br /> < nickandsons@gloryroad . net> , " Pam McIntosh " < PMclntosh@ci . carrboro . nc . us > , " Ralph Goodwin " <br /> < ralph . goodwin@pgnmail . com > , " Randy Book" < bookr@ci . concord . nc . us > , " Randy Fletcher" <br /> < rletcher@ci . durham . nc . us > , " Rhet T . George " < rtg@ee . duke . edu > , " Rick McBane " <br /> < mcbaner@meredith . edu > , " Robert Andrew Smith " < robertandrewsmith@yahoo . com > , " Robert Beamon " <br /> < rbeamon@co . wake . nc . us > , " Robert Henderson " < henderson@gregpoole . com > , " Ronald Svejkovsky" <br /> < rsvejkovsky@ci . greenville . nc . us > , " Ruth Sappie" < rsappie@dot . state . nc . us > , "Sally Johnson " <br /> < ssj@rti . org > , " Sam Anderson " < sam@usfleet . com > <br /> Date . 8 /7 /01 2 : 49PM <br /> Subject : H1213 - a step closer for increasing the use of alternative fuels in NC <br /> Hello Clean Cities Stakeholders and clean air advocates : <br /> After some spirited discussion the House Finance Committee favorable <br /> recommended H1213 , legislation introduced by Representative Joe Tolson to <br /> increase the use of alternative fuels in North Carolina as a means to <br />