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COMMON GROUND VOL. 14 NO. 3 JULY-SEPTEMBER 2003 IT <br /> RoomY- <br /> Moore Foundation , from page 1 King Mellon Foundation . The property, Many thanks to these <br /> and outdoor recreation values of southwest which will be added to the refuge, is cen- recent donors to the <br /> Alaska through the establishment of six na- tered around Canoe Bay near the base of . COMMON GROUND <br /> tional wildlife refuges, three national parks twin volcanoes named Mt . Pavlof and Research Fund : <br /> and one of the largest state parks in the na- Pavlof' s Sister . The bay, with its vast beds of <br /> tion. All of these conservation areas share eelgrass, is one of the most productive estu- Sarah Bogdanovitch <br /> the common challenge of extensive private aries in Izembek, which attracts birds, bears Barbara George <br /> Ann Clark Godfrey <br /> lands located at strategic sites along the and spawning salmon. During the height of Mr. & Mrs . Charles Kireker <br /> region' s many large rivers and lakes, said the salmon season, more than 50 brown Charlene Marek <br /> Glenn Elison, the Fund ' s Alaska state direc- bears can be seen at one time . To date, the Darby Nelson <br /> tor . The protection of these sites over the Fund and its partners have protected 55,370 <br /> next few years will largely determine the acres in the Izembek NWR Complex . Thirty-two donors have <br /> long-term success of these areas . The Moore given $ 1 ,260 to the COM- <br /> rant carries a significant commitment to 11 The Conservation Fund oined forces with MON GROUND Research <br /> g 1 Fund this year. If you <br /> obtain matching funding . Some early success Renewable Resources LLC in June to ac- would like to make a gift, <br /> was realized when the Bristol Bay Native quire 33,000 acres of Texas forestland from send your check c / o The <br /> Corporation recently approved $75,000 for International Paper . The Fund worked with Conservation Fund, 1800 <br /> the program . Support from the corporation the private investment firm as well as the N. Kent St., Suite 1120, <br /> was a critical vote of confidence from the Houston Endowment, Meadows Founda- Arlington, VA <br /> native communities in southwest Alaska . tion and T. L . L . Temple Foundation to pay 22209-21560 <br /> for the Middle Neches tract, valued at $26 <br /> illion . Future forestry operations will meet IN A coalition of 26 nonprofit groups in m <br /> southeastern Pennsylvania has released the or exceed requirements of the Sustainable Future forestry <br /> first-ever report of baseline indicators for the Forestry Initiative program to ensure protec- <br /> Schuylkill River watershed, a 1 ,900-square- tion of critical habitat and imperiled aquatic operations will <br /> mile area that supplies drinking water for 3 resources . The Middle Neches property, meet or exceed <br /> million residents . The Conservation Fund located along the Neches River near Lufkin, requirements Of <br /> prepared the 41 -page "Report on the State of connects Davy Crockett and Angelina na- the requirements <br /> o <br /> the Schuylkill River Watershed " (schuylkill tional forests . The land is considered to be of <br /> le <br /> report . org) , which identified three factors high value for both timber production and Forestry Initiative <br /> that are undermining the health of the 11 - wildlife habitat . program to ensure <br /> county watershed—water pollution, un- protection of <br /> planned land development and the lack of ® The Conservation Fund recently bought a <br /> a regional plan for water management. The 103-acre tract in Fulton County, Ga . , the first critical habitat <br /> report calls for strengthening communica- purchase in a 40,000-acre project to create a and imperiled <br /> tion between nonprofits and government, master-planned conservation development aquatic resources . <br /> improving monitoring of water quality, on the outskirts of Atlanta . The land, which <br /> creating economic and environmental op- was slated for development, consists of roll- <br /> portunity zones along the Schuylkill River, ing hills, pastureland and rock outcroppings <br /> and enhancing land use planning by mur ici- that overlook the city of Palmetto 's reservoir . The Fund and its <br /> palities . The William Penn Foundation, The Chattahoochee Hill Country Alliance <br /> Claneil Foundation, the commonwealth of (chatthillcountry. org) , the Fund ' s local part- partners also are <br /> Pennsylvania and the city of Philadelphia ner in the acquisition, hopes the county will working to develop <br /> provided funding for the project, the latest acquire the land for a park that will serve a process that will <br /> product of the Schuylkill River Watershed as the trailhead for a four-county bike and <br /> Initiative . The coalition previously devel- pedestrian path and act as an anchor for an use transfer of <br /> oped a river conservation plan for the region interconnected greenspace plan . The Fund development rights <br /> that examined efforts to conserve the most and its partners also are working to create a as the major tool to <br /> developed watershed in the state . process that will use transfer of development implement the <br /> rights as the major tool to implement the <br /> 9 In May, The Conservation Fund pur- 40,000- acre conservation project . 40, 000-acre con - <br /> chased more than 13, 000 acres from the nervation project . <br /> Atxam Corporation to be protected in M The Conservation Fund welcomes John <br /> Izembek National Wildlife Refuge Complex Whitmore to its Corporate Council . Cur- <br /> in Alaska . Funding for the $ 1 . 4 million pur- rently he is chairman of the board of direc- <br /> chase was provided by the North American tors of ASB Capital Management, Inc. and <br /> Wetlands Conservation Council, with Chevy Chase Trust Company in Maryland . <br /> matching funds from the Richard and He served as president and CEO of the <br /> Rhoda Goldman Fund and the Richard Bessemer Group from 1975 to 1998 . <br />