CFE 090803
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Commission for the Environment
CFE 090803
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1/7/2019 4:22:48 PM
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1/7/2019 4:17:43 PM
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COMMON GROUND VOL. 14 NO. 3 JULY-SEPTEMBER 2003 <br /> 11 Banrock Station Winery of Australia has The group (hydro . org) honored the energy <br /> teamed up with The Conservation Fund to company for its preservation work in the <br /> create a $75,000 grant program to stimulate Clark Fork River basin. To fulfill its hydro <br /> wetland conservation in the United States . relicensing obligations, Avista worked with <br /> The company (banrockstation. com) already The Conservation Fund last year to pur- <br /> has undertaken a large-scale wetland restora- chase a 716-acre parcel along the Bull River, <br /> tion project in Australia . The new Banrock a tributary of Clark Fork River in Montana <br /> Wetlands Conservation Program will provide (see CG 13 : 3 ) . The land includes several <br /> seed grants ranging from $ 1 ,000 to $5,000 to miles of riverfront and provides habitat for <br /> The new nonprofit groups that are planning and three endangered species—bald eagle, bull <br /> implementing local wetland conservation trout and grizzly bear . Avista and the Fund <br /> Banrock Wetlands <br /> Conservation or restoration projects . The Conservation jointly own the property, which is being- <br /> Fund is developing grant criteria for the managed for conservation purposes . <br /> Program will program, which it will also administer . <br /> provide seed grants Applications will be solicited later this year, ® United Technologies Corp . (www . utc . <br /> ranging from with the first grants distributed late next com) has cut its cost for water usage by 34 % <br /> spring or early summer . and energy consumption by 27% in just four <br /> $ 1 , 000 to $ 5, 000 years, and now plans to reach a 40% reduc- <br /> to nonprofit groups ® PacifiCorp, which operates 55 hydroelec- tion by 2007. The company also has joined <br /> that are planning tric dams in the Northwest, has agreed to the Climate Leaders program at the Envi- <br /> and im lementin dismantle a six-megawatt dam on the Hood ronmental Protection Agency (epa . gov / <br /> p g River in Oregon beginning in 2010 . As part of climate leaders) , an industry-government <br /> local wetland a multiparty agreement, the utility will trans- partnership of 40 companies that encourages <br /> conservation fer 465 acres at the dam site to the public and businesses to develop climate change strate- <br /> or restoration establish a $ 150,000 trust fund to maintain gies and set reduction goals for greenhouse <br /> the lands . Until 2010, the utility will close the gas emissions . UTC has lowered its green- <br /> projects . dam for two months each year to allow juve- house gas emissions by 15 % since 1997. <br /> rile salmon and steelhead to migrate down- Other Climate Leader members include <br /> stream. The federal license for the dam ex- Bank of America, BP Corp . , Eastman <br /> pired in 2000, and the utility opted to close it Kodak Company, General Motors, IBM, <br /> rather than meet tighter operating conditions International Paper, Johnson & Johnson <br /> and make investments to keep the dam oper- and Lockheed Martin . <br /> ating for the next 30 to 50 years . In 1999, the <br /> utility agreed to dismantle the 123400t tall ® The outdoor recreation industry recently <br /> Condit dam in Washington near the junction flexed its muscles in Utah by threatening to <br /> of the White Salmon and Columbia rivers . move two trade shows worth $24 million <br /> out of state to protest the state 's settlement <br /> R Americans will scrap 3 billion pieces of of a lawsuit with the federal government <br /> electronic equipment by 2010, including 1 bil- that could open potential federal wilderness <br /> Americans will lion units of computer apparatus and 200 to development (suwa . org) . In the settle- <br /> scrap 3 billion <br /> million TVs . The International Association ment, the Interior Department agreed to <br /> of Electronics Recyclers predicts a boom in drop interim wilderness protection for mil- <br /> pieces of electronic recycling, with the industry at least quadru- lions of acres of federal land in Utah and <br /> equipment by pig by the end of the decade . Currently, across the West. " [I] t is time to consider <br /> 2010, including more than 400 U . S . companies employ 7,000 pulling these [trade shows] out of Utah in <br /> people that process 1 . 5 billion pounds of elec- protest of the message the state has sent the <br /> 1 billion units tronic equipment and generate $700 million outdoor industry and community, " said <br /> Of computer in revenue each year. Included are 40 million Peter Metcalf, CEO of Black Diamond <br /> apparatus and pieces of computer equipment that help the (blackdiamondequipment. com) , an outdoor <br /> industry recover an estimated 900 million equipment company in Salt Lake City . <br /> 200 million TVs . pounds of recyclable materials each year, Metcalf' s remark, contained in a May 4 <br /> according to "Electronics Recycling Industry OpEd piece in the Salt Lake Tribune, helped <br /> Report, " (www . iaer . org, $59 .95 , members, prompt a meeting in June of Gov . Michael <br /> $99 . 95 non-members; 888 / 9894237) . Leavitt, Metcalf and other members of the <br /> Outdoor Industry Association, a 1 , 100- <br /> ® For the fourth straight year, Avista Corpo - member trade group (outdoorindustry . org) <br /> ration ( avistacorp . com) has received an Out- that represents the $ 18 billion outdoor recre- <br /> standing Stewards of America's Rivers award ation industry. The association called the <br /> from the National Hydropower Association . meeting a good first step to mend fences . <br />
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