CFE 090803
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Commission for the Environment
CFE 090803
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Last modified
1/7/2019 4:22:48 PM
Creation date
1/7/2019 4:17:43 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Whisnant asked about light ordinance recommendations previously made by the <br /> CfE . Stancil reported it was on an upcoming BOCC agenda and that staff would <br /> update the CfE . Whisnant asked if folks wanted to keep pushing the Environmental <br /> Impact Ordinance issue based on the report by Bradley Decker ; he would like to <br /> bring that issue to closure . Stancil noted that his last recollection was that it was in <br /> the County Attorney 's office . McIver asked , on behalf of the Biological Resources <br /> Committee , to add the forestry initiative to the list . Wachholz added that there had <br /> been the idea to add an indicator about waste/ recycling issues to the SOE report . <br /> Tucker asked folks to consider putting the time spent doing the progress report into <br /> another project . Crisler said that a progress report might be a list of what <br /> accomplishments the CfE had done not necessarily related to the indicators in this <br /> year 's SOE report . Stancil suggested doing a two - or three - page progress report <br /> stating what 's happened since the 2002 SOE report . Whisnant suggested calling it <br /> an update or report , whatever would be likely to get BOCC attention . Pratt added <br /> that one of the subjects included should be the CfE 's recommendations for ideas <br /> similar to Mecklenburg 's ground water program . <br /> Wachholz reported on the Education Committee ' s investigations regarding the <br /> proposed Conservation Award that would recognize individuals who have <br /> contributed significantly to the environmental quality including water , air , and land . <br /> The committee looked at the Pauli Murray Award as an example . He asked if <br /> members wanted it broader than an individual and asked for feedback to the <br /> committee . Members indicated that the focus should be on a person 's contribution <br /> to Orange County so they would not need to be a resident of the county . Members <br /> discussed the environmental summit ( annual or biennial ) the SOE report and the <br /> award . Members also discussed renaming to " Environmental Stewardship Award . " <br /> Wachholz asked members to send comments to the Education Committee by email . <br /> VII . Committee Breakout Sessions <br /> Whisnant noted that the next meeting would be August 11th at the Southern <br /> Human Services Center . Following committee discussions , the CfE adjourned at <br /> about 9 : 30 p . m . <br /> Page 8 of 8 <br /> DRAFT <br />
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