Orange County NC Website
0 <br /> Booth said that if we want to be considered inside or outside an MSA , or whole <br /> county , we would have to examine air quality in the adjacent area , population <br /> density , monitoring data , locating of large emission sources , traffic and commuting <br /> patterns , expected growth , geography/topography , jurisdictional boundaries , <br /> current levels of emissions control , and expected regional emission reductions . She <br /> said that the population density , the daily vehicle miles traveled , and the commuter <br /> flow patterns of an area are all taken into consideration . <br /> Boothe said that because the State of NC has opted to consider more stringent than <br /> what the federal regulations , an Inspection and Maintenance program ( I & M ) has <br /> been initiated in 48 counties as a phase in program . The existing counties that had <br /> I & M went to the new NOX I & M last year . This year will begin the second phase . A <br /> lot of advertising about this program will begin July 1st . Every six months another <br /> group of counties will be phased in . <br /> Boothe said that the current ozone forecasting in six areas is making people more <br /> aware of the ozone problem . She said the modeling encompasses the entire <br /> eastern half of the United States from Washington DC to Atlanta . Modeling shows <br /> how accurate the predictions were and predict future problems to develop control <br /> strategies . Boothe described some of the information out for public comment . <br /> Boothe said there are economic effects of being designated non - attainment . <br /> Although they have to include areas where monitors are located , NCDAQ <br /> recommends not including whole counties when they are predominately rural . <br /> Whisnant asked if any information was available that shows the level of ozone in <br /> rural counties . Boothe said no , but noted that in some cases the violations are <br /> transports from areas such as the Triangle or Triad . When we know that the county <br /> is not responsible for the pollution DAQ recommends partial designations , but EPA <br /> has the final decision . <br /> Booth said the public comment period ended May 31 . DAQ will meet with DOT and <br /> Dept of Agriculture ; then send draft recommendation to Governor Easely . Things <br /> waiting to happen were identified as : <br /> • MSA boundaries based upon the 2000 census ( possibly by June 30 , 2003 ) <br /> • if MSA boundaries change , NC has the option to incorporate the changes in <br /> final submittal to EPA ( February 2004 ) <br /> • Non - attainment designation ( after summer 2003 ) <br /> Boothe identified the following NC efforts to solve the problem : <br /> • Participation in Southern Appalachian Mountain Initiative , which looked at <br /> secondary effects on plants and stream life <br /> • Adopted Clean Air Bill of 1999 , which started the I & M program for vehicles . <br /> • Adopted the NOX Rule , which addresses power plants , large boilers and put a <br /> cap on summertime emissions of NOX from those facilities . <br /> • Adopted the Clean Smoke Stacks Act and are trying to encourage our <br /> neighboring states to do something similar . <br /> • Participation in a southeastern regional haze planning organization . <br /> Page 6 of 8 <br /> DRAFT <br />