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ORANGE COUNTY COMMISSION FOR THE ENVIRONMENT <br /> DRAFT Summary of Meeting May 10 , 1999 <br /> Held in Orange County Southern Human Services Center, Chapel Hill , NC <br /> (Prepared by Carol Crawford, Admin . Asst . , Orange County ERC Department) <br /> Members Present . . Loraine Kohom , Rosalinda Lidh, Kris Price , Richard Pratt, Annette Jurgelski , Lee Rafalow, <br /> Dan Okun, Mark Smith, Cara Crisler, Alice Gordon . <br /> Excused Absences : Jane Sharp -Mac Rae , William Glaze, Roy Fortmann, Mary Jane Baker, <br /> Guests : Jim Hinkley, Orange County Planning Staff. <br /> Staff Present : David Stancil, Director, Department of Environment and Resource Conservations Carol Crawford, <br /> ERCD Admin . Assist . <br /> I . Call to Order. <br /> Chair Kohorn, called the meeting to order at 7 * 40 p . m . <br /> II . Welcome to New Members . <br /> Chair Kohorn welcomed the new members present and had the group introduce themselves . <br /> Dr . Gordon presented volunteer gifts of appreciation to the Commission members , noting that the <br /> candles were a symbol of how Orange County volunteers light the way . She added that the Board <br /> of Commissioners appreciates the dedication of the Commission for Environment . <br /> III. Approval of March 8 and April 12 , 1999 Minutes . <br /> Rafalow made the motion to approve the March 8 , 1999 minutes as submitted . <br /> Lidh seconded the motion and, it was approved by consensus . <br /> It was noted that the April minutes are a summary of that meeting as there wasn ' t a quorum on <br /> April 12 , 1999 . No action was warranted on this summary . <br /> IV. County Environmental Impact Ordinance. <br /> Chair Kohorn introduced Jim Hinkley , zoning enforcement officer of the Orange County <br /> Planning Department staff. Hinkley described his duties in regards to the Environmental Impact <br /> Ordinance (included in the agenda packet) . A discussion of the ordinance and how it works <br /> concluded with an overall opinion that the ordinance doesn ' t include enough restrictions to <br /> protect the environment, only to encourage planning for protection . Dr . Gordon asked for a <br /> description of what the ordinance does protect . Hinkley described those areas as being included <br /> in the two documents adopted by the BOCC as studies conducted in the late 1980 ' s : "Inventory <br /> of sites of Cultural , Historic , Recreational , Biological , and Geological Significance in the <br /> Unincorporated Portions of Orange County" and " The Inventory of Natural Areas and Wildlife <br /> Habitats of Orange County" . The minor and major subdivisions are reviewed weekly for <br /> compliance to the policies . Gordon added that there is no certain protection of these areas . <br /> Hinkley added that if the areas are designated as a protected parcel , an environmental assessment <br /> Last updated 06/02/99 1 <br />