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Whisnant noted that another environmental education effort identified earlier was <br /> to get the schools involved with next year 's summit , and also to get Stream Watch <br /> groups involved by providing exhibits or information . <br /> Meardon recommended that some of the large maps on display during the summit <br /> be posted along with copies of the SOE report in the different county libraries . He <br /> noted that the younger school - age children are eager to learn and carry home the <br /> important environmental concerns to their parents . ] urgelski suggested getting a <br /> graduate student from the School of Education to do some training . <br /> VI . CfE Goals for 2003 <br /> Previously , at the March meeting the CfE reviewed the 2002 - 03 activities as related <br /> to the established BOCC goals and identified additional concerns . Staff drafted a <br /> matrix of these items for prioritization at this meeting . Members discussed goals in <br /> conjunction with SOE recommendations follow - up . <br /> Stancil confirmed that he would make a short presentation of the SOE report to the <br /> BOCC on May 6th . It was suggested that Stancil mention how much work went into <br /> producing the report and to identify key issues and recommendations . Committee <br /> chairs were asked to assist Stancil with identifying priority issues . <br /> ] urgelski reported hearing the SOE report referenced at a public hearing in <br /> Hillsborough on the proposed asphalt plant . Tucker reported hearing a group of <br /> people discussing the indicators at a local restaurant . <br /> Whisnant noted that the next meeting would be May 12 , 2003 at the Southern <br /> Human Services Center . <br /> MOTION : Pratt motioned for adjournment , seconded by Cotterman . <br /> VOTE : unanimous . <br /> The CfE adjourned at 9@45 p . m . <br /> Page 7 of 7 <br /> Draft April 14 , 2003 <br />